Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

Well. My thing is for high elves. If you want blood elf stuff ask for it. I mean, I don’t get what you’re saying. No one here is barring you from asking for blood elf options. We are asking for two different things here. Like, I just don’t get it.

Facial hairs, tattoos denoting quel’thalas and the arcane. Belfs and if I dare say nelfs need more customization before any other races.

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We’re not asking for two different things. High elves and blood elves are the same race.

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I mean. Allied races have barely any customization options. Not to start a fight but blood elves have near double the options void elves have. Your list of hair for males more than doubles our list of hair for male void elves.

Like we have very few options. I’m forced to use this awful hair option because it’s all I have that looks remotely okay.

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Because belfs are a core race, they deserve more than some allied race knock off.


I disagree. We’re all core races now. Allied races are basically just races at this point. We all deserve the same amount of options.

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/Points to the door



But you’re not. Core races are entirely different than allied races

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Not really. If you mean core as here from the start, you were not. Blood elves were added in tbc. We’re both expansion-based races. We have a different term, but we’re basically the same thing.

Blood elves have been in warcraft long before the tbc expansion.


Oh we need more eye colors, tattoo colors, more ear options, longer beard options, a few more skin colors, more hair options, and just a small thing, not really that big of a deal but THE PALADIN CLASS.

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Okay. Well you were not added in classic. And hey, so have void elves. Cause void elves are high elves and blood elves. They share the exact same story. They just changed, but they were there from the start as a blood elf and high elf.

You’ve been thrown more bones than any other race in the game. Your demands have almost drowned out what the Void Elves were released as because of the selfishness of the Helf community. It has been years of this yelling and screaming, and I stand by my belief that Blizzard should never have given in. When a child throws a tantrum, you don’t give them what they want or you teach them that they’re entitled to get everything they demand.

Case in point, this thread.

Of course, you’ll eventually get what you want. And maybe it’s you that decides you need one more hair style, or it’s someone else that’ll take your place, but that’ll come next. And you’ll get that. Because with the entitlement of the Helf community being catered to, there’s very likely no end. Hasn’t ended after 17 years, there’s no chance it ever ends.


Play Warcraft 3 my guy


I swear out of all races belfs and nelfs get screwed the most on customization


I have. Void elves were in wc3 as well. Just not as a void elf. They are all blood elves and high elves. That story is still their story.

Difference is void elves arent blood elves anymore. You’re void corrupted. That changes you on a molecular level.

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I think Blood Elves definitely got the least of the two. Y’all got some skin colors, ear options, a few facial hair, some eye colors, some hair options and that’s really it.

No they have their own story.

Are people still on about this? Your Void Elf is not a High Elf and never will be. If you want to claim Void Elves are High Elves then by that same token Blood Elves are High Elves. If that’s true, then across the board they might as well all share hairstyles and appearances.

Except they aren’t. Void Elves are a faction of High Elves that split off and followed Alleria. Just like how Blood Elves are a faction of High Elves that split off and followed Kael’thas. True High Elves remain unplayable. You’re just playing a faction that is a separate race with new lore.