Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

I propose an expansion where all Void Elves go crazy and turn ALL High Elf in lore into Void Elves.

We can blame the big bad after the damage’s been done.


I think before blizzard even considers stuff like what youre asking for, they need to give void elves the development they deserve.

What are the void elves doing?
To what degree did the void change them?
What exactly is going on at the rift?
What are their goals and wants?

They also need more void themed options to chose from. There so much more cool stuff that can be done with them.

Void elves are awesome. But when a race doesnt have the most solid of foundations or known place in the world, adding options to be something else is basically an attack on those foundations.


This so much . I just want to know what’s been happening . Where’s the rest of my void elf story blizz . You can’t just leave me on a cliff hanger forever.

Nah the irony is not there it’s just you being triggered that you are being called generic


Blizzard was suppose to do this. Alleria was suppose to have a high elf army that would be transformed into void elves. It’s speculated it would of been the silver covenant. Which would be cool having a duo instead of a single Windrunner being a void elf.


But elfs and werewolves are both generic

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Not really blood elves had a vampiric nature and the worgen origin of a tied to an ancient called goldrinn. High elves have nothing unique about them Ion literally gave the basic description of what you guys really are generic elves.

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generic races in WoW;

All Elves
All Trolls
Undead of any sort.

And Warewolves.

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I agree. It’s very strange to me that teams have formed with names like antis and pros. There isn’t room for gray areas in some of their minds. And I say this again being transparent that I have many friends on both sides of the debate. For example, me advocating for white/black hair for Void Elves has made me “anti” enemies, whereas me being opposed to blonde/reds/brunettes on Void Elves has made me “pro” enemies. It’s like discourse can not simply happen anymore.


Night elves,Nightborne, void elves, to an extent would like to have a word with you.

The variations exists in most games, DnD being the big one.

Void elfs r unique tho unlike belfs . We use the better magic.

Pretty sure you should study blood elves then.

I see what you did there ! You forgot the most generic one space goats .

People speculated it could happen not that Blizzard was EVER going to do and considering Blizzard’s track regard was not likely to. Blizzard is fairly predictable in a few things and one of them is NEVER WIPING OUT and races. Why? Simple, to use them for future story beats.

I don’t need to , they use fel .
Fel is like so basic .
It’s all about the VOID now.

Pretty sure fel is unique to wow that I don’t see elves in lord of the rings use a thing called fel.

blood elves uses arcane.

The only time they used fel is to power their city.

Silvermoon needs an update to show they no longer power it with fel.


Didn’t know other games uses dreanei.

I thought it updated when alleria crashed the party and tainted the sunwell :smiling_imp::sunglasses: