Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

nope, silvermoon is still stuck in BC era. Only things changed there is npc layouts.

Lame I havnt played horde since belf heritage armor quest .speaking of which my druid demands her nelf heritage armor hmph blizz

I know, right.

Still waiting for this


Demonic magic is far from a unique concept. It exists in DnD, Warhammer, Dragon Age, the Elder Scrolls, probably Diablo I dunno tbh I never got into it.

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You’d also have to do something about all the High Elf NPCs on the Alliance side.

Well this thread was a hilarious read. Thank you all for the entertainment.

Puts marshmallows on a grill fork for s’mores.


We get that without a compromise. I still think you are using the wrong term for what you want.

I’m not against high elves. I just have all I personally need and don’t seek any more. To be quite honest my own personal interests in high elves became dampened over all these bickerings and fights. I don’t bother folk requesting such things at this point and ask they leave high elf requests out of my void aspect thread.

When you came to me and asked me to work with you, after you had already called me a leech for trying to at the time link your thread as the new main high elf thread back then among other things you’d done by then, I said the following.

What I was saying was that I don’t feel like I am the right person to help you in your requests.

Also, I have no “followers” I don’t control anyone. That some folk who have interests in Thalassian elves came for you is not my doing regardless of where they sit on velves, helves or belves… Or nelves and NB… Or anything else.


Hell yeah the OP got restored the ride of the damned continues.


Daedra are probably my favorite fantasy concept of demons. for a supposed “force of chaos” the burning legion always felt way too ordered. meanwhile daedra are always scheming against everyone and everything while they plot the destruction or domination of Nirn.

I never really liked daedra tbh. More because they basically all just use a humanoid model. They’re just dudes. The daemons of Chaos from Warhammer are probably the best imo, especially due to the willingness of the Chaos Gods to just totally screw over their own servants for no reason other than it’s funny.

The word “compromise” is an increasingly hilarious choice in these helf threads.

See, y’all have been getting compromises this entire time. But you don’t know what it means.

Compromise means you might get a little bit of something but not exactly what you want all the time. Compromise is what you got with the skin and hair colors and the tentacle toggles.

Blood elves are still waiting on their due. What they get in return for having their identity stolen. Offer something equal to what was taken and then we’ll talk more.


Inb4 Blood Elf players choose to be Alliance in RP servers when cross faction happens.That’ll be definitely what people wanted, High Elf Paladins :person_shrugging:

Honestly, not really bothered by people doing a “turncoat” for RP, I’ve wanted something like that so I could play Worgen and Void Elves on Horde, but Cross Faction Guilds are the next best thing.


Honestly… Why not?

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I realized that I couldn’t take any of his crap seriously when he displayed his utter lack of empathy, humility, and self-awareness in previous threads; claiming that we need more high elf cosmetics before void elf fans get anything, that no one cares about void elves and that they’re a “finished concept” (when the non-Windrunner high elves have always been literal props outside of Ravandwyr from Legion), that so many people would gush over the Alliance getting high elf lore (contradicting himself earlier in this thread where he claimed to just want the aesthetic), demanding that Blizzard “hurry up” on giving void elves an Entropic Embrace toggle, etc. Also, looking at his post history tells me that he has a tendency to get defensive and bail when he faces opposition.

It’s not just elf threads, either. The other day, I went into one of the many threads asking for Kul Tirans to get access to the skinny/emaciated human model to express my belief that such an addition isn’t on the table, when he came in, acted like I was some kind of monster for having dissenting opinions, and claimed that I’m one of the most hated people here and that I’m “wasting [my] life”. I’m no saint, I’ll admit, but I can be approachable on a good day and I don’t make threads like this one, so I was genuinely gobsmacked to see him of all people try to lecture me in a blatant display of psychological projection.


You all take these topics too seriously and at the same moment people always forget that each side harmed them purposely by rejecting, humiliating and harassing other human beings.

Sometimes it is good to step back from a topic and see what everyone is actually arguing about. Look at these helf/velf/belf topics. People are fighting about their barbie dolls despite not affecting them until there are genuine cross faction options. It’s ludicrous how both sides act.

It’s the resentment speaking out of them? Have you attacked the person before? If yes, then you have your answer. They do not look at you and see “hey, the user has a good/bad day”, they recollect everything you have done to them and act accordingly. In most cases there are always two sides to a story. I don’t take anyone of both sides seriously because I’m sure anyone would get along in RL pretty well but because it’s the internet and you can interpret the same text in various forms. The Void rabbit hole is deep and some people are lost to it already or to deep down there to crawl back up.

You felt the need to scram in here and vapidly defend OP’s behavior because…?


I’m merely stating that everything has a cause and reaction. But you are free to interpret the situation like this, I’m sure it can also argumentatively reversed by saying why you defend someone’s opinion.

See? Not a great argument. You all would get along better by not assuming the worst from each side all the time and taking sides.

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I have not, as far as I’m aware. The most I’ve ever done is agree with the people who have spoken out against his and his ilk’s madness.