Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

Kinda does.

We gonna disagree on that.

You can stop by not coddling the person bringing the hate in the first place, works wonders rather than chastising the people having to deal with this mess. You’re not enlightened or moral here, you’re adding to the problem.

And, ya’know, the tentacles. They have tentacles.

Please enlighten to me on what I’ve done that’s so horrible, other than actually like Void elves as Void Elves.

And we got VOID elves so a swing and miss, no crown for you. And throwing tantrums and harrassing people for them ost part is not something to be proud of.

No, just want you to pay attention when someone speaks illy of HE fanatics they’re not speaking ill of Void Elf or Void Elf players, HE fanatacis are a very specific group.

Unless you’re new here, it’s been a LOT more than just one person over the years.

sends gentle hugs

Well, Alleria is a High elf infused by the Void. That’s literally who she is. She calls herself a Void Elf out of personal choice. They gave us void elves cause high elves would be too similar to blood elves.

:thinking: :thinking:

The timing? We’re talking about Blizz, they take an awfully long time making decisions and then implementing them. This was planned for a while.

So was the story which they had already taken into account.

yea and all the playable ones and the actual leader of the group are blood elves so that’s a moot point.

So where about’s in the Warcraft lore supports this notion?

Cool. Lets keep it at a disagreement then.

If you think the problem is being created by only one person you’re fundamentally mistaken. This conflict has been going on for many, many years, and I’ve only been involved for the last year or so. And I’m not coddling anybody! Are you gaslighting my previous statements? Are you tryinna say all the others are saints while I’m suddenly a baddie?

Alleria doesn’t have any tentacles though. And not all of 1st gen Void elves came out with those. It’s a magical enhancement, what you want me to do lol?

People have been doing this in this ENTIRE thread and that wasn’t just the OP. Or you want me to go and start grabbing comments for you? Show you what those ‘‘saints’’ you demand that I not chastise have been saying?

I don’t know, deeming me a problem because I don’t serve the exact same agenda as you are and apparently I have no right to speak in a civil manner at the OP? Whom I’m not siding with at all, btw. I serve the void elves and high elves. I’m not an extreme on either side.

The mutation part? What exactly are you looking for? Void Elves are Thalassic Elves, they are not Blood Elves

You immediately jumped to victim there real quick. You tried to spin it as both sides are bad and they should just get along, rather than pointing out the bad actors and calling them out. That’s not the right way to handle things.

“Not all them have it” doesn’t make them not exist.

You can claim no moral horse or gotcha by tossing around the word “saint”, you are obviously not reading anything.

If someone harrasses someone else and they react, they are not lesser for having a reaction. Having a faux-bearing of civil and politeness while in fact being a jerk does not make someone right.

This is not OP’s first thread, OP is not new. They worse out any welcome and amicability a LONG time ago.

Because you’re on the both sides should get along, don’t angry at OP when they harass or bully others. People don’t like bullies, being told to put up with it or find common ground instead of telling the bully to stop bullying is you adding to the issue, not producing some secret fix that enlightens everyone.

Victim? Nope. Zero parts there where I come off as a victim, or portray any1 else as such. We’re all grown ups, we are not victims, we willingly, both sides, partake in these dramas.

I have read this entire thread. Again, you are not gonna ‘‘gotcha’’ me because my points of view are not the same as yours.

People were harassing the OP. The OP harassed people. Only a few managed to save face here.

You really need to go back and read what I was saying to the OP mate. Unless you are intentionally ignoring my reply to the OP. Lemme give you a little reminder:

This is what I said to the OP. So, yeah. I’m not adding to anything. I literally tell him bellow:

I can always edit it and explicitly tell him not be a bully, but I think we both know he’s not very good at listening…


You obviously have not.

Because the OP HAS BEEN harassing people. Again, people reacting negatively to someone being a jerk does not make them “the same”.

I saw that, I also saw what you said to the others as well.

Calling out others for being fed up with Op but acting like you’re the only one criticizing him the “correct” way isn’t doing you any favors.


Gnomes and Dwarves need customisations; I levelled my lil Dwarf the other day and was shocked at how few options there were for her.

I am sure there are so many Races that need Customisation options before VEs.


Believe what you will.

Listen, people have been ganging up against a single person in this thread. There were insults on both sides flung at each other. I’m not going to stroke their egos and encourage them to do so even more just to fit your personal agenda mate.

What are you even talking about? My post was perfectly civil, and you started calling me out for trying to call out people’s attitude and constant generalizing. I am defending High elf pros, not the OP. I’m not calling everyone out, just some people who kept generalizing and labelling. Especially the guy sayin ‘‘fake elf’’ omg he must’ve said that like 10 times. Like, just stahp.

Anyway. We ain’t gonna get into an agreement here, I can’t continue these back and forths. I’m gonna go take a rest. Bye

Mechagnomes and kul tirans.
Their lack of options is just sad.

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For a reason.

Didn’t ask you to. Just pointing out pulling the both sides crap isn’t doing you or the conversation any good.

Which earns you points in nothing.

Pot, kettle.

You’re absorbing all insults against a specific sect of HE fanatics and OP and taking it personal treating them as insulting all Void/Thalassic Elves, which isn’t true in the slightest.


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Wtf is this thread, the beginning was just some guy crying about how the THIRD elf race in the game isn’t enough (lol) so I scroll to the end because I don’t want to read 700 posts and go crazy and people are now fighting with their Classic/Retail level 10-30 alts over something I can’t discern? Any TLDR?

HE Fanatic wants to wipe out Void Elves and others. Same old same old.

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Around elves watch yourselves.

Well no duh sherlock holmes

Nah, lets delete blood elves instead and have people who want to play true Thalassian play it where they should always have been, the Alliance.

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Compromise is you get none of those and VE gets new and unique hairstyles instead.

Enough copy/pasting.

Your a void elf… your more likely the elf that did not mesh with human culture (better to ask for a half elf race for that.)

Seriously, humans worship the light even…


We do. You don’t, and you’ll never let it end until you have a specifically-named playable “High Elf” race. Until the lore is changed so that race and only that race has any claim to be a “High Elf”. Until no other race has anything you think kinda-sorta might possibly maybe resemble “High Elf”.

And then you’ll find more demands to make.


Has anyone mentioned that blood elves are high elves so we already have them yet? Hope so. Someone always forgets :frowning:

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