Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

Visna, I would not go this far. I get it, we all get angry over few individuals, but this is not helping at all.

It’s not this simple. The moment people start to have a common ground in these discussions, someone from both sides start to ignite another war by these two typical responses:

  • I’m finally a true High Elf, as it was always supposed to be
  • You will never be a High Elf because of purple blood/you have no child model

The only real solution is to split the customization options and give the Alliance a playable High Elf race. These topics won’t stop, no matter what.


Welcome to being constantly labelled. We’ve enjoyed that for a while. What was it?

  • fake elves
  • anti-belfers
  • blueberries

Void Elf Extremist is objectively funnier than any of those.

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I’d like to correct that to void-theme extremist :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey… I like this one…

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I’d prefer to be called a Thalassian elf :< but looks like it ain’t on the menu, lol

Probably should have said this on my actual blueberry… (Fenelon if thats not clear.)

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It may be the covid induced haze, but made me genuinely laugh. Thank you <3

Words don’t convey tone, but this is all just silly banter on this end.

now this one is simply just true. nothing wrong with tellin it like it is.

Mag go away, /shoo

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sorry im not mag. but if you wish I was that’s cool as well my anti blood elf pal.

Ok definitely-not-Mag

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You mentioned you were sick but not that its Covid!

I hope you get better without issue and its short.

listen if you want me to pretend to be mag I can just for you. after all you must be quite used to playing pretend since you are someone that wants to be a high elf that plays a void elf :slight_smile:

I like Void elves, but I like High elves too, and I prefer not spitting on the faces of those who established this amazing race for me. You should’ve seen a couple years ago how I farmed to unlock those Void Elves. Argussean reach couldn’t go Exalted fast enough!

I don’t like them too blue but I still find them amazing. So what?

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Thank you! I can’t play the game so I’ve been glued to forums all day. Waiting for my FF14 posts to reload so I can get back to fighting over why enrage timers exist.

I’ll nap for 30 minutes and roll back over on my phone. It’s miserable, but these threads have kept my spirits up.


While I do not agree with your statements, I wish the best for your health. And don’t be scared for any future long term effects, most of the symptoms can be cured.

Just be sure to have a FPP2-mask with you all the time in crowded places.


the only one that established it is blizzard. you cannot definitively prove that high elves impacted the creation of void elves. I can easily argue that they were added because of the timing. Alleria became a wielder of the void and they wanted to make a sub race of an already popular race just like with NB. Void elves were that decision. Heck, the race was even born by characters who were originally blood elves if high elves were in the mind then why wouldn’t they use high elf characters instead? :slight_smile:

Also nobody owes a community anything, especially when they have a history of bad actors.

I appreciate it, and while we don’t agree I think it makes for good discussions anyway :blue_heart: Life is boring when we all agree on trivial things.

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