Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

how about instead of more elf stuff
we get worgen tails?


Tails for Worgens and make stripe options for vulpera not set to specific colors .

I want to match my pet cat from Talador


To be fair, Allied Races are a mistake when they could have been Night Warrior campaigns for additional customization options.


Absolutely. I think void elves and nightborne are the only ones that really couldn’t get around it. Unless you did some wild questline that faction/model swapped your Blood Elf… and I don’t think NB could have worked with a Night Elf.

I would actually be playing a Blood Elf right now if these customizations went to them instead, so I guess you could have also just slapped them onto their respective races and call it done.

Edit: Wait! Vulpera also deserve their own slot. They’re the most fleshed out of all the ARs.

Nightborne and every other Legion AR is shoehorned garbage. Tyrande making any snide comment toward them was also garbage when she already let Highborne back into her faction.

But I digress. We have prepurchase trash and folks are fine with it.

Vulpera are enough to be their own race tbh.

I’m happy to have what I got. I just wish we could stop with them, and get to dumping customization on everyone else. The character creation screen is looking really cramped these days.

Well we’re probably going to see either Darkfallen customizations or ARs. Who knows

I competely reject the AR concept as a good idea. Never should have been seperate races if they’re just copy and paste.

Culture tab with class restrictions from the core race made more sense.

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I have honestly lost count of how many times you repeated that in this thread. Mate, you are playing a VOID ELF!! Guess where Void elves come from…?!! The Blood elves!! They come from Blood elves! And who are the Blood elves historically and biologically speaking?? High elves! What fake elves are you talking about? Do you realize you share your race with High elf fans? We should be UNITED bro. Not like this, smh :see_no_evil:

Most of us are not anti-belf but if that’s how you want to paint us then go on I guess. Just keep in mind you are technically painting void-theme fans and Fen’s thread in the same way by saying this, cause Cadazmir technically belongs in the Void elf race. Void elves and High elves are the same race after all.

Let’s not be insulting towards the very fanbase who established a Thalassian elf model on the Alliance please. It’s unfair to insult an entire fanbase via these statements just to get your ‘‘gotcha’’ moment with a single individual…

I’ve read this whole thread which is a giant mess. You said earlier the high elf fanbase is mean and doesn’t care about belfs or compromise. You of all people should know this is far from the truth. Let’s not make such generalizations just because of one individual. It’s not easy to tell him to just stop cause he won’t listen. And for the record, I’m sorry you have been met with aggression on both sides. Both sides have done mistakes.

That is no way to speak. You are being disrespectful to Void elf and Blood elf fans alike. Yes you’ve been attacked by many antis, but you keep going on and on. You need to be able to read the room man. You need to know when it’s time to back off. There is overwhelming objection towards copying Blood elf hairstyles because a lot of stuff have already been ported over. You are better off asking for brand new, graceful hairstyles for your Void elf, including long ones. Leave it to Blizzard how they will handle it, they’re not a small indie company.

But above all, do this for yourself. You will be met with great disapproval when asking for more copy-pastes and crapping on the Void theme of our race. We SHARE this race man. I wish I could sit down and have a chat with both extremist High elf and Void elf fans to explain to them that we in fact share this race which now has two themes so why be divided? Why fight? If there’s one thing that can easily be done for both races that’s creating more options that benefit both (with some void-themed exclusives because they’ve not got any tbf). You are not going to lose out as a High elf fan in the next pass. Relax. But stop asking for stuff from Belfs. It’s up to Blizzard how they will handle it. Let them handle it!

So now we all need to look like blueberries to be the ‘‘cool kids’’? I don’t get this flex :confused:


First off, you have no authority to offer anything.

Second off, the only customizations that Void Elves should be getting are more Void Elf customizations.

Third off, stop the fake high elf propaganda!

Real High Elves forever!!!

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Yes you are, 700+ posts in this thread and only 4 people agree with you? Being loud and screaming till you vomit on yourself does not make more of yourself nor your point more valid.

Catering to people throwing tantrums and harassing others was a mistake, eldritch tentacles elves however are liked and have been more well received now that they and the Helf fanatics are split off.

You’re garbage for this mindset, and also wrong. Void elves are popular. And I don’t just mean the ones with blood elf skin tones.

You and your diarrhea have been nothing but the push for the complete eradication of void elves.

You’ve literally made a thread(s) demanding Entropic Embrace be removed

Pushing what?

An Eldritch abomination that are liked, high elves aren’t nearly as well recieved.


At least you finally give up your pathetic charade and admit what a delusional and cruel bully you are.

More entitled delusions. You deserve nothing “more”. You also have nothing to back up your claims other than your say so. More blowhard bully wagging.

So that makes it okay to harass someone else? What is wrong with you?

Sincerely, yes you should read the whole thing before jumping in, as the change in your later posts in here reflect that.

More treating Voild Elfs and their players like trash, classy.

“I have a grudge against someone so I’m gonna take it out on someone else to get back at them.” makes perfect sense. Also dood, seriously, are you going for Bingo in the Abuser’s Playbook?

“Do what we say and we’ll stop causing you harm” Sure, compromise. marks off another spot on the way to Bingo for Abusers

Then you’re delusional. And jokes and snarks aside you are indeed pulling from the Abuser’s handbook with crap like this, that doesn’t sway people to your side or make you look good at all.


Why should BEs wait 17 years for theirs? What makes you so damn special? nothing.

pushing what?


The Void Elf name and racials and playing one. You’re a Void Elf, not a “pure” pale blond haired blue eyed better than others elf (almost threw up in my mouth a little while typing that).


Yeah cuz a werewolf race is totally unique, never before seen, and not cliche at all!

:skull: The irony on these forums writes itself sometimes i stg lmao


People pretending there’s no Void and Void Elf and harassing Void and Blood Elf players and efforts, actually read what you’re responding to please.

Read please. Oedon didn’t say Void Elves they specifically said anti-belfer, the terms are not interchangeable. They weren’t talking about Fen at all.

In the same way that Trolls and Night Elves are the same yeah, what with the mutations.

I’m honestly not gonna let the HE fanatics claim credit for getting us the cool eldritch elves seeing as how much they despise them, so no. matt wasn’t insulting void elves at all.

Precedent is not one individual. Also it’ll help if you differentiate between void elves and high elves and void elf players and people pretending to be a non-void high elf.

You can’t unfortunately. You have the side that loves the eldritch tentacleness, and you have the other side that wants to remove the eldritch tentacleness. There literally is not a middle.

“Well they could just add a toggle”

Again, the side is “remove” the eldritch tentacleness, not add more options, it’s steal and turn off. no middle.


Well, Trolls and Night Elves have been established in lore that they are different races. But Void Elves, Blood Elves and High Elves have not.


They literally have tentacles growing out of them.

They all thalassic yeah, but a Blood Elf is not a Void Elf and vice/versa.

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This new hot take is the wildest I’ve seen in any of these threads. They insult and want to ignore the Void in the elf they are playing, but then ask us to kiss the boot and thank them for our very existence. :joy: Actual comedy.

Heres my counter offer to blizz.

Delete void elves and kill any remaining alliance aligned high elf, end offer

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Ayup gets back out bingo card

And? They does not automatically say they’re a different race.

You’re right and wrong. A Blood Elf is not a Void Elf but a Void Elf is a Blood Elf.

It basically comes to this argument:

All Blood Elves/Void Elves are High Elves, but not all High Elves are Blood Elves/Void Elves.

Similar to All Trucks are vehicles, but not all vehicles are trucks

Hate breeds hate. Don’t you think we should stop feeding it?

Complete and utter nonsense, sorry. Night elves and Trolls have thousands of years of evolution among them. Blood elves and Void elves few years at most and only difference is that Void elves use a different school of magic to Blood elves. Try harder.

You are a Void elf extremist, you’re not better love. You got those Eldritch elves becomes thousands of community members toiled asking for playable Alliance High elves.

Are you serious? Have you bothered to read how complicated your own post is? So you want Blizzard to divide all Thalassians in 4 or something?

That was one person. People are in favor of options.

Getting Void Elf Extremist tattooed on my knuckles. Going to have to get creative with letter spacing.

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