Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

I freaking love those games. The trilogy was amazing.

I got several on my ps2 need to replay or if they are on xbox now even better

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The player didn’t make him. He is an established character…

Thats not my point. Think for once. Use that brain god have you.

You made the claim someone isnt canon unless they are named. I just gave you a souce of where thats not true. Think for once.

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Prince of persia is named. He is the prince of persia, it’s only him. Random adventurers is vague. It can be anyone. Only one can be the prince of persia.

My god you are dumb. Prince of persia is not his name, its a title.

Waiting for the day when both elves will be happy with what they got.

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You can see prince of persia and point to the character. You know him. It establishes him. You can’t see random adventurer and point to any singular person. One is vague, the other is not.

No its really not. My point once again flew over your head.

A few of the good Void Elves like you can stay but the rest can go away.

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Can op go with those bad voids? His voidness is insulting.

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Pot meet kettle.

By his own logic, he already doesn’t exist :woman_shrugging:

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Then request Blizzard delete this thread.

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Must be why he cant comprehend anything.

That still shouldn’t have happened

Let’s not, void elves are void elves they are not high elves how many times do we need to say it.

Can I keep mine ? She’s full on blue berry



I never comment w/o some

Good in that case since he doesn’t exist can this thread be removed

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