Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

They really think of Void Elves as their Build-a-Race option instead of being Void Elves. Like our racial tag says. And our racials. And the very achievement you need to get to play one.

Blizzard, for the love of god start making Void Elf story content to fully realize us. I’m so tired.


If it was so big you’d hear people complaining about it. But they don’t. Final Fantasy is a very freeing experience. That’s why people like it. Race identity doesn’t matter one bit and once it’s gone you guys will get over it.

Our character is not a lore figure. We should be anything we want to be. We can be outliers of our race, because our characters are not canon. We don’t actually exist in WoW lore or world.

Honestly, these “we need high elf” pushers must be pretty slow.
They’ve had an alternative for over 15 years and they have been blind to it.

If they really wanted high elves that bad they would have been playing what became of high elves for years already.


Now you’ve gone from wanting helf identity to no identity. Comedy.

Your “trust me bro” isn’t fact. Back up your claims boy

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I want the high elf cosmetics. Not their identity.

Then play blood elf. Thats where the high elf customs are.

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Oh then if that is the case please go over there . Sounds like they have what you want and that way you don’t have to take away from a game we all like .


That means you want to be a knock-off version of the thing that you want. If I was someone who wanted high elf things, I’d want identity to accompany said cosmetics otherwise it’s 100% pointless.

Oh trust me mate, you are an outlier of your race :rofl:

Pointless to you. But to me it’s different.

Yeah, people forget we are Void Elves.

Not Human cheerleader Elves. Those are in Dalaran. It’s ok to share a bit, but people bring stuff here forgetting we are not High Elves. We are better than that.


I am going to hand you over this fat L and be done with this lol.

Our characters are not canon. We legit can be whatever we want and we don’t need any justification. Because we don’t exist. You won’t be seeing any of us in the story.

Its not different at all. The blood elf customs are intrinsically tied to our identity. Stealing the customs is stealing our identity.

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Ok thats a load of nerf droppings. Our characters are in the lore. Lore wise we are marked as the ones to beat arthas.

Just a couple of no name heroes. Your character does not exist. But the achievement did exist.

Our characters do exist. Read the lore for once instead of spewing garbage from that hole in the center of your face.


Okay. Show me in the lore where it says Oedon was there to down the lich king. Show me your character actually exists. Are you an npc somewhere? Does anything in canon make mention of your name? Are you in a book?

If my character does not exist why am I the Champion, Maw Walker, and other various titles that lore characters refer to me as?

How far down this rabbit hole are you??