Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

MrGM: Any new class/race combos coming at all?

Holinka: Yeah, you know, we kinda have this broad direction. I don’t wanna make any huge promises but we kinda feel like we want to move towards a world where the race of a character is not a limiter for what they can or what they can become in the world of Warcraft.

We’re working towards that but not all classes have the same kinda content requirements. More of this will come over time, but immediately in 10.0 we’re gonna be making Rogues, Mages and Priests available for all races, so everyone will be able to go out and make their sneaky Tauren Rogue tiptoeing on their hooves all around.

These will be introduced in 10.0, with general intentions for us to look at more options down the line, but immediately in 10.0, you’ll be able to change your Rogue, Mage and Priest to any race combinations.

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Retconning the lore for pLAyEr CHoiCe is the most pathetic reasoning imaginable. Doing so affects the ACTUAL majority in a negative way more than you realize but then it’s obvious you don’t care based on how you’ve replied to many people here.

I agree. Id love my city to be updated. Its a beautiful city and i want to fly in it

Thank you. I genuinely couldn’t find it. But these guys wanna call me a liar. I don’t lie.

Yes you do you just did.

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BfA really had me believing we’d be revisiting all the old territories - giving them all a facelift as we went along hacking ay each other. I feel like Booboo the Fool :clown_face:

The supposed warfront in Quel’thalas was scrapped so rip those armor sets.

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Now you’re just spewing garbage. Plenty of people go to Silvermoon and tons love the city. You’re just the typical anti belfer who wants to destroy my racial identity.

“where the race of a character is not a limiter for what they can or what they can become in the world of Warcraft”

Legit him saying that all races will be all classes. Just in weird wording.

In the same post, they said they won’t be making any huge promises and reiterated how limiting it is to even bother. It confirmed nothing.

Not only you want to add more High Elf stuff on the Void Elves.

But you also want to add HUMAN THINGS on the Void Elf. Because 3 Humans in the faction is not enough.


Wasn’t that a Disney + Mandalorian spin off

The Book Of Booboo Fool

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Sure. But they are heavily considering it. And the feedback towards that has been extremely positive. So they will go along with it. This would make huge headlines, which blizzard likes.

It would not be huge.

It was ok but let’s be honest , the best episodes were the ones with the Mandalorian and Baby Yoda

They aren’t going to do it. Because it is limiting and they know it would be wrong to actually give every race every class. No one wants to play a game where races and classes are just cosmetic options and that’s all they are.

What do you mean? Final fantasy is more popular than this game and they do it. And blizzard has taken note of that… probably why they are bringing up that change.

I think the issue is they forgot that people liked Boba Fett, ruthless badass. Not Boba Fett, nice guy.

That’s not why those ff players play it. Race is still a big factor to them as is racial identity.

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Final Fantasy and WoW are completely different games. In Final Fantasy’s lore, it is established that your one character can take on multiple classes/jobs. WoW’s lore is literally not this. And trying to change it to be that does not help WoW in any shape or form either. I do not want WoW or Final Fantasy to be the same game.