Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

I’d rather delete void elves and move blood elves to the Alliance.


That wouldn’t work. They’d have to take it a step further and remove all HE NPC’s from the game.


It also wouldn’t be a debate if people played blood elves which are literally high elves. but apparently we gotta go full on rumbling for this debate to end.


Blood elves are horde. There’s a completely different feeling with alliance high elves. I mean, the transmogs on them alone that are alliance only just look like they were meant to be. Plus, thalassians are still with the alliance, used to be a major part of the alliance back in the day. There’s so much history. People just want to experience it in blue, not red.

Unfortunately there will never be compromise. Blizzard bulleted the idea when they came out with void elves and you’ll more than likely never get high elves as a result. Was a stupid decision on their end imo but it is what it is

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Oh look another high elf thread.


I mean. They took great steps. I really appreciate the eyes, the skin tones, and the hair color. Don’t think for a moment I don’t appreciate that stuff. It’s helped to hold things over. But we’re so close. So close that it’s frustrating not to be there. Seriously, just the hair I asked for, EE toggle, it’ll be golden. That’s all the compromise we need for a long while.

You love them!

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At least its better than T’s threads where he talks to himself.


Look. I get there’s a lot of bad blood between our communities. I know high elf fans seem to ask for a lot and whine non stop. Just understand they are very passionate about the subject. The vast majority of them there’s no ill will going on when we ask for these things. We just want what will make us happy, and yes, this would really make us happy, it would make me very happy at least. So just keep that in mind. I know we’re annoying. We don’t mean to be. We just really want our elves. That’s all there is to all this.

Ye but at this point you have what you want in all but name. There’s really nothing left to complain about other than needing to remain attached to the high elf agenda or whatever the heck.


That’s simply not true. Males just don’t have the hair. There’s no long, fine, elegant hair styles that are what high elves are known for. It’s all greasy, and wicked, and terribly receding. They look awful, okay? And females, they look fine. Because they have a few that are just straight up the blood elf hair. So why can’t the males get any? Why are we left out? Not exactly fair.

And now, Entropic Embrace. Turning purple is not what high elves do… It just ruins the fantasy completely. Like a toggle to just turn off the visual… is that so much? Is that really asking for a lot? It’s just a flip of the switch. No dev time at all to do this change.

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So, give the Void Elves, more facial hair and beard options.

Problem solved.

Actually toss in some black eyes, and void tattoos so we can get the VOID aspect of them as well


Your hair is dirty because you’re a void elf. Blood elves are the actual high elves. Just because they dont call themselves that anymore doesn’t make them different. The name is purely political.


How does that solve the problem? Why do we need more beard options? Our top hair is the problem, our facial hair is fine.

Well. We have natural hair colors now. So clearly some changed a lot to get the weird hair and hair colors, and some just remained normal with a tiny bit of void influence. If we have natural hair colors, there’s no reason some didn’t retain their natural hair. Just makes sense.

As we’ve learned:

The more they give, the more they demand. Giving in was Blizzard’s first mistake, and it gave way to the demands that we’ll keep on hearing about and it won’t ever end.

The Helf crowd does not deserve anything else. Compromise isn’t in your vocabulary, and it never will be.


So you’re asking for all these customization options but yet nothing is being asked for blood elf customs. Seems pretty unfair given we’re one of the most popular races and yet we’re forgotten as usual.


I am being serious. You are saying this but you don’t know my character. If we actually got the things I asked for, I’d never pipe up again, Swear to everything I can. You can believe that, or just refuse to. I can’t forcefully change your mind on it. But it’s not just people constantly wanting more. There’s like, a checklist. We got some things off the list, but the checklist isn’t complete. And people won’t stop complaining until that checklist is done. That’s just the reality of the situation. If the checklist isn’t done, we don’t have high elves, and people are unhappy, despite the bones they threw us.

Because more facials hairs always fix everything, be a man and grow some

More facial hairs