Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

Well, the people here are always like this. They aren’t the main playerbase though. Like, we’ve always been back and forth. But that hasn’t stopped anything, and it won’t. Because they are the minority in the grand scheme of things, and they will never be listened to.

I love every class in the game thankfully, I just chose to post on this one lol.

That’s not a compromise that’s begging for more non void related cosmetics. You didn’t even offer anything in exchange. Void elves don’t need anything except void related options going forward and that’s after the other allied races get some love. So dude, just stop.

No. High Elves will be completed and then void elves will get more.

Dude even the void hairstyles will probably be toggable they would still get those high elf hairstyles

We’re not the main playerbase? The hell we aren’t! There’s no main playerbase and off playerbase, theres just the playerbase. Get it right you anti belfer


Mag’har need so many more options.


80% of any game’s player base has no idea about the things you want in the game nor do they care. Anyone posting on forums or watching videos based on the game itself is in a 20% or less minority. What you are is the minority, simply because you choose to post here. Most people who are playing right now could care less about the existence of high elves.

On the plus side, most of the hairs look awful without the tentacles :hugs:

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You’re just in with the wrong group. There are more high elf players, more faction destruction supporters, and more all class all race supporters than not.

Your right. It sounds like an ultimatum. Just “or we’ll keep yelling” is only the implied part lol


How about lets be fair for all. We all get it, you want High Elves. But you’re the reason why some of the Anti’s have been going off at all of us High Elf fans over your stupidity on the forums.


No there aren’t there are zero high elf players because high elves aren’t a playable race

No Void Elves get more Void stuff then you fake elves may get something my god what is so hard being patient and waiting your turn.

Ugh I really wish we got permanent entropic embrace… or at the very least a heritage armor set that gives the illusion of such


Because why should I wait 2-3 years just to get a few hair styles so I can finally enjoy my race?

I disagree. I’m playing one. And if I switched to playing a Void Elf, I’ll still be one. Both Blood and Void are High Elves.

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Prove your baseless claims then boy.

It’s not just this OP it’s the fact high elf players in general continue to ask for things that frankly do not fit void elves


I mean, the proof is around you. You saw what we got, you see what blizzard is pushing. Like it’s happening. What more proof do you need.