Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

I dunno why they can’t get the ones that are already shared with humans. Two of them are the Dragonball ones that are only used for memes anyway, and the third is literally Varian Wrynn’s hair. It might have been blood elves’ first, but that matters about as much as Trent Reznor writing Hurt… It’s Johnny Cash’s song now.

Well you are. You are literally hurting my brain.

there was a time blizzard would 404 threads and made the spam stay in the megathread now they don’t care it seems


I’m sorry that disagreement hurts your brain. I’ll try to be more sensitive to your feelings in the future when responding to you calling people worthless.


Man really said peace was never an option while directly declaring war on blood elves and void elves


Disagreement? No. Constantly having to repeat things and recontextualize them for you to understand the actual meaning… yes…

I find it hard to believe you have a brain in there at all based on every post you’ve made here today.

Op is an anti belfer and anti velfer. His type will never be satisfied until he destroys our identity.


And you wonder why many of us Pro High Elf fans don’t really have much respect for you.

Yes, some of us do get heated with our arguments towards the Antis, though on other topics, but my god… You’re really so much of trolling the forums and spamming it with more pointless threads.

You are not repeating things. You are changing goalposts and justifying that change over and over. I don’t like you, but I haven’t flung a single insult at you. I’d appreciate the same courtesy.


Well, we won’t let him. He is in the minority here.


Sure why not we are all compromising here except the fake elf. :slight_smile:


Can I be an Anti Male Human Paladin. We don’t need more bubble baths :upside_down_face:

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I’m the majority where it counts. Sadly you are not in any of the things you are fighting for. Many of those things you’ve already lost. You just refuse to acknowledge it. Very sad.

I am. I mean I have had to several times help you figure out the meaning behind my words. It’s like you take one tiny piece of my paragraph and run with it while ignoring everything else.

I have at least one maghar orc, id like an option to make him look like a shadowmoon orc :slight_smile:

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Sure lol. This character is just for posting on the forums anyways :joy:


My man, I think you just need to take the L. You are outnumbered by at least 15 to 1 right now. And this isn’t even including the topics you and I disagree on.

I could post on my female human paladin, but I can’t stand Paladins… And I haven’t logged into it such a long time, I can’t even select to post from it.

I don’t see any difference between how you argue and the OP handles things tbh


You mean you had to explain why you didn’t mean exactly what you typed out? I’ve quoted you several times saying things you claim to disagree with. If you don’t mean those things, then it is up to you to be clearer in the future. When you say, “It is what I do”, then of course any sane reader is going to assume that means, “That is what Cadazmir does.”

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