Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

i reread everything that isnt a compromise tho .

here ill give you the definition




1. an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.

“an ability to listen to two sides in a dispute, and devise a compromise acceptable to both”










halfway house

middle ground

middle course

happy medium


modus vivendi

give and take






1. 1.

settle a dispute by mutual concession.

“in the end we compromised and deferred the issue”


meet each other halfway

find the middle ground

come to terms

come to an understanding

make a deal

make concessions

find a happy medium

strike a balance

give and take

split the difference

2. 2.

accept standards that are lower than is desirable.

“we were not prepared to compromise on safety”

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I derailed my own post? Do you get what we’re talking about? I am saying void elf supporters from Fen’s post came to mine, derailed it, flagged it, and nearly got it removed.

The compromise was the high elf crowd will lay off the forums, and they will stop overshadowing void elves so they can have their turn. That is it.

I’d really like to see new customization come in batches every patch. I want to believe that Blizzard has the staff to allocate the time to do that. Waiting and entire expansion for a hairstyle is insane.

Then again I played Viera on FFXIV from ShB’s launch, so I am used to these threads…


Especially pandaren and mechagnomes in my opinion. Mechagnomes need fully metallic skin options to fully embrace them being robots or majority of their body with only organic thing behind their brain and then pandaren need more scar options and something out there for them.

i asked how because i didnt see his post from earlier

You derailed his post. Don’t act dense, please.

That’s a shame, but you doing the same wouldn’t justify your own actions. I’m a middle school teacher. I wouldn’t excuse one kid’s poor judgement just because another kid did it first. You’re justifying your bullying because you said other people flagged your post.


lol imma need a bufffet of food lel :popcorn: :icecream: :ramen: :cookie: :doughnut: :bacon: :pretzel: :bagel: :pancakes: :cake: :cupcake: :wine_glass: :tropical_drink: :beer: :beers:

As I said Fen was just unfortunate to harbor the post that had all the supporters that derailed me. Nothing against him. Though now he’s completely in opposition to high elves for no good reason. We could have come to agreements on a few things but he’s stubborn and refused any cooperation.

Add some steak and bacon to that menu

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I’m kind of baffled that people like the high elfer think the void elves don’t deserve their customization options for the void aesthetics first. You know the ones playing the race that was given to them with the theme they chose for.

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that isnt a compromise tho .


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You are the one advocating for “snuffing out” the other opinion. I get exasperated with High Elf threads, but I never once advocated for their removal.

Pot meet kettle.


Make it a smiley face too

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That absolutely is. It’s just one you don’t like. I get something, you, the people of the forum get something you want. Clearly, you are all tired of the high elf spam.

It’s not a compromise, it’s an ultimatum. “Do what I want or we won’t stop.” Only one side gets anything from it.


Blizzard should of stucked to their ultimatum.

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How about instead, just keep it to one thread instead of spamming the forums with multiple threads, Cadazmir

ive noticed more people are using the term anti-blood elfer for them now. and im inclined to use that one more because it annoys them and is true at the same time.


Eye of the beholder. I consider it a compromise. You get what you want I get what I want. That is a compromise. An agreement of sorts.

Since you wanna keep stealing racial identity from blood elves, what do blood elves get in your poor excuse and ill defined “compromise”?