Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

Blizzard needs to stop catering to both sides at this rate if the leaks are true we are getting more elven garbage.


I was only pointing out the obvious with everything I said. I never said anywhere that I am personally doing such things.

stop biting


You did, right here. You said, “What I always do.”


What I always do is in context to making my posts and asking for what I want. That is all it means.

Its hard not to when these bullies keep trying to steal more of the blood elf identify.


Sure man, sure.


Well. If the shoe fits. You can say sure, but you can’t really argue against it.

Hoolie doolie, how are these threads still being spammed?

I was going to post the popcorn emoji, but just for a treat:


I have been arguing against it. I’ve quoted you. You’re backpedaling, hard.

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And I told you the context. So you inferring anything else is your own speculation.

its weird because feyre wanted void elves to get blood elf customization and now they just act like that never happened :roll_eyes:

Because they are a fake supporter that backed off the second things got too heated. They couldn’t handle the pressure so they cracked.

People on these forums always fasley flag ppls posts that they dont like . Its mostly weird forum cliques, ive been a victim of it on the old forums. TBH they should have just kept the old downvote system , but i feel like this thread wasnt needed and would a been best as a comment added in one of the mega threads.

Ah, the good old, “Out of context” argument. Obviously I misunderstood all of your posts about snuffing out voices.

I was content with Void Elves getting white/black hair. What is your weird obsession with me? Aren’t you the one who was able to pull up screenshots from years ago of me claiming I was okay with all races getting white/black hair within moments and claimed I wasn’t a “true” anti because of it? :melting_face: That was very strange to see someone so dedicated to preserving forum posts. It’s unnerving to know that you probably have a folder of my posts in your computer alongside other posters.

Backed off? Of what? I’m pushing pretty hard right now to call you out. You weren’t even there a few years ago. Another example of you acting knowledgeable on a subject you know very little about.


i remember seeing that a few times myself :thinking: but i mostly think they are just being neutral in the whole ordeal . tbh Which i have no problem with honestly , there can be a balance of asking for velf stuff without stealing from belfs tbh .

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Probably because


To call me out. But was that what it was about? We’re talking about you backing the high elf crowd. You’ve long ditched them because you couldn’t handle it.

I’m starting to think a majority of elven players is just obnoxious . Like it’s every time I visit these forms it’s always some crap about who gets what of who deserves what.

I have wished for the longest time that they voided her out like to the maximum so she was actually fitting as the leader of the Void Elves, it would be nice if they’d update her and her model to represent what she should be today in the storylines.