Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

You are not a nice elf.

I mean, I don’t like to clump entire fanbases together. I recognize I did it earlier in this thread, but I’ve met some very cool people on both sides of the debate. I have a lot of respect for some pros and for some antis. But I don’t like the “holier than thou” mindset that many Helfers have, acting like they always take the high road, when there is hard proof in this thread that they believe they can “snuff out” opposing opinions and bully Void Elf players out of the game.

So you admit you’re being mean?

You threatening to push Void Elf players out of the game (like you could, even if you tried) is an attempt to harass and bully. Yes. I don’t care how you put it.

You are a Void Elf, good sir.

When did it become a matter of deserving anything? With your attitude, I’m not sure you deserve squat right now. You’re demanding options, refusing to offer anything in return, and threatening to push out Void Elf fans for your own desires.


Theres no “right” at all. You don’t deserve to steal blood elf identity.

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I never said I silenced anyone. I said it was happening. There is no ToS break on my end by simply stating the obvious.

i wish they would fix the toggle we have theres some weird chunks of hair missing on ponytail etc

You agree with it, however.

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All the blood elf customization that was stolen needs to be stripped from void elves and void elves need to be given void customs in return.


And what do you want, exactly? Blood elves to have our hair? I would give it to them if they wanted it, but they don’t. While I personally haven’t offered blood elves anything, blizzard did. Potentially. WIth darkfallen elves. That is good enough for them.

And no, I never said anywhere I agreed, just pointed it out, understand?

We real Elves need to put this fake elf back on the shelf. :rofl:

Elf On The Shelf - YouTube

I want you to stop making vague threats and hopping into Void Elf customization threads to harass good people making Void requests.


That isn’t what I asked. And yes, I never said anywhere I agreed. Go ahead and post back to me saying that I am fully on board with silencing you. I kept things purposely vague.

That what it sounds like
Do what I say or we will snuff out your voice
Sounds like a threat

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Thats definitely a threat

Very true. I think I’ve seem some people on the customization thread who are just having fun creating art and talking about ideas.

I also feel like a real compromise would be “hey we just got a bunch of stuff, so let’s have Blood Elves get some new stuff that are more regal/light-inspired, and then when it’s the Void Elves turn again, we can get new darker/menacing hair styles that could look just as good with the black/purple/white/blonde hair colors.”

I just think the copy-pasting should stop.

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What I always do, as in post and ask. Then I pointed out that all we would have to do is overshadow you to snuff out your voice. Not that I do that. It’s vague. On Purpose.

No it isn’t right . You already got skin tones now it is time for those that want more void options to get something and you have to wait .

Blizz needs to grow a pair and stop catering to the likes of helfers like you .

You will not be happy until all void aspects are gone and they are renamed high elves.

Let’s be honest if you get what you say you want in this thread , you will not stop making more threads . You will move on to "Blizz remove the Void Elf name and rename them High Elves "

If you say you wouldn’t then I will flat out call you a liar.


Call me a liar if you want. I am always a man of my word though. I know myself well enough. I would be content with that. It’s really all I’m aiming to get right now. If I wanted more, I’d be here fighting for more.

Here are all of the implications that you agree that Void Elf players (and opposing voices) should be silenced.


No! You dont get to steal identity from blood elves nor do you have any right screwing over void elf players.

I can pretty much guarantee you won’t get anything by threatening void elves.