Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

Your “compromise” is asking for more stuff, offering nothing in return. That is a demand, not a compromise.

And you still threatened to “drown” and “snuff” out the players who don’t agree with it. You literally said it two posts above.


The High Elf fanbase is probably the smallest by now. You have to think that most who wanted them many years ago have long since quit, what we’re left with is these modern weirdos like you.

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Every time I try to log on I am struck in the back of the head by a rubber band.

That is what we are already doing. No threats, it’s what’s happening. My compromise was to tell you it would end and high elf players would let up, giving void elf players a chance.

Is this OP a T&T alt causing trouble in another topic ?

Wait is he stuck in RP mode?

But Viktoria, he will snuff out all Void Elves! Didn’t you hear?

At least you’re honest in your bullying tactics. :person_shrugging:


Snuff out?
I’ll protect my void elf friends.


Snuffing out a voice is a legitimate tactic. If your numbers are high enough, the other small enough, you can keep pushing out their threads easily. Which has been happening. It’s not bullying. It’s just how it works sometimes. Your group is small, it gets beaten out. If void elves were worthy of it, they’d have a larger fanbase and match us. But you’re not.

A legitimate bullying tactic.

Another bullying tactic.

It is bullying. You’re threatening to silence people/drown the voices of people who disagree with you.


Considering t and t have made more of their spam threads which ive flagged multiple times now. Im starting to think this is either another alt designed to stir up trouble or its one of their “friends”

That’s cause they have an internalized victim mentality that’s been festering since 2007. A lot of times I notice a total disregard for how Blood Elves feel about their own racial identity and culture.

I mean it’s not 100% their fault. Blizz did them dirty as well by teasing them with constant displays of High Elf NPCs on the Alliance without actually giving them the option. And they were often mocked for asking these things for a decade.

So as a result, Void Elves became the real victims in all this. They get insulted by Helfers, and requests keep coming in to make them more like Blood Elves, and they keep being referred to as a mistake when it was actually an attempt at a middle-ground in order to preserve the Blood Elf identity (as much as possible) while giving High Elves some wiggle room to RP their fantasy.

After all, they still have options like the Silver Covenant tabard, and a lot of blue/gold aesthetics, including mounts. They are effectively High Elves in all but name. It’s just that Blizzard’s canon storyline is that they all have a touch of Void in them, but they refuse to accept that middle-ground.


Wait so your openly admitting you are using tactics to get rid of void elf based threads? Isn’t that against tos?


Bullying, huh? Just the nature of the beast. Is it nice? No. But it’s not bullying. Again, if void elves were popular, they would match us. But they aren’t. So why would you deserve anything over us honestly? If you can’t even keep up the numbers?

OP came into the Void Elf customization thread to stir up drama, so I would believe it’s likely.

I am me, just me. No other poster.

All i want is galaxy sparkling pigtails and a galaxy hair with a tiara that i can change from gold to silver etc . And some galaxy body jewelry .

Intentionally silencing ppl in that manner is definitely against tos.


And these helfers wonder why no one likes them.


And you can have that… maybe. After I get my hair and toggle. It’s only right after all.