Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

Well if that is the case they should be removed from the game .

Could you please delete your toon to set an example


You don’t have power over that, and you pretending you do is hilarious. Cadazmir can not push any race out of the game, despite how much you try. They are a race that has a large fan base - equally, if not more, than the High Elf fan base.


Your false sense of power is humorous.

That’s, like, your opinion, man.


I mean. Where are the void elf options? Did they listen to you, or us?

You’re free to play the non-abomination, the high elf race, on the Horde. You can go to the blood elf customization thread and request your blue armor tints, and stop trying to Build-a-Bear the Ren’dorei :slight_smile:


Unfortunately, the Void Elf options were taken over. But if I’ve learned anything from the High Elf fanbase, it is that if we ask long enough, we’ll get what we want. Regardless of how mean we can be.

(Yes, I find the High Elf fanbase to be incredibly mean.)


They’re letting us do group/instanced play. Hardly dissolving them. Can’t walk into Org without being killed and that is never going to change.

No, they are not going to be giving every race, every class. The war is beginning. Be prepared to lose.

High Elf fanbase got what they want cause of numbers and interest. You can’t use our same tactic. It won’t work. There’s barely any of you. All I can say is good luck.

No, they are not going to be giving every race, every class. The war is beginning. Be prepared to lose
Blizz said this was just the start and that more will come.

What are you gonna do? Really?

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As someone who knows the blood elf fanbase is bigger, i can say with certainty that you’ll get our support for more void options.


That’s fine. But I fully believe the Void Elves will also get another sweep for void customizations because of an equally dedicated base.

Which tactic is that? The bullying or the pleading? What about the threatening to “push” another race out of the game? What about the name calling, or perhaps the antagonism? All of the tactics I’ve seen from the High Elf fanbase.


Because those that like the void aspect didn’t throw a temper tantrum equivalent to that of a 2 year old like you helfers did .

Once again what you all got was a pacifier to quiet you all and all you did is cry harder .

As far as you and the rest of the helfers go they need to just ignore you like most parents will when a baby keeps crying just for attention .

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High Elf fanbase, right here, folks. Proof that they never wanted a compromise. They wanted to drown out other races and remove their options completely. Notice how words like “snuff” our voices out are being used and yet those tired of the High Elf debate are called the bullies.


More like crying and throwing tantrums so Blizzard was forced to try and get you to shut up it didn’t work if it did you would be patient and wait your next turn.


High Elf is the number 1 most requested race. it is more than just a bit of whining and tantrums. There’s so many of us, blizzard can’t keep the race barred forever. It won’t end.

No. I did offer a compromise. My post. That is the compromise. What I said there only is the alternative to if it doesn’t happen.

Ogres, Naga, Ethereals, Tuskarr, and Arrokoa would love to have a word with you.

Edit: My Sethrak friends I am so sorry. Them too.


That post from the OP just proves they are a troll

Yeah, no. High Elf fanbase larger than all of those combined. I don’t see any of them in the game. At least they tried with void elves.

WOW, I come back to this gem. And you wonder why people are hostile towards the Helfers? Goodness, you are delusional, cruel, and unnecessarily entitled. Thank you, truly, for showing the true and proper colors of the Helfers. These are the children that should have never been catered to.


lmao this topic in general was always trolling

This is cracking me up, is he serious? He is threatening the void elves? What he isn’t gonna let the void elves play?