Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

Cringe Alliance players want to compromise an already compromised deal.


I mean, you guys said that about the skin and hair color. Can’t be that delusional.

It would’ve saved everyone time if he just said “let me make a Blood Elf but then switch to Alliance”

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That was a PR stunt since they were in hot water. They won’t be doing more than that lol. And like most people have said here. People like you won’t be happy until belfs are not even accessible as a horde race and completely dissolved as a concept. And even then you still won’t be happy.

This is so flipping old. Stop stealing customizations from blood elves! Stop screwing over my races identity! Stop screwing with the the void elf players identity! Stop screwing with everything!


Want to play a fake elf then the Horde is waiting as Blood Elves are actually high elves.


Sure. All I’m saying is I’m on the winning side, you’ve been on the losing.

My man your main post got flagged. I think we can tell who is losing this here lol.


I don’t see why these people aren’t spending their energy on preparing blood elf toons for an xfaction community of high elves, and just set the hearth to Dalaran. That’s where the non-horde high elves are.


naw i like blood elves

just delete the 6 easter eggs. 99.99% of alliance players wont even notice

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Yeah they gave you all a pacifier with the Belf skin tones and you’re still all crying .


What have you won though?

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False flagged. Only people who are annoyed. Always the same people. You realize the same flags happened when we asked for the hair color and skin tones, right? Did that stop them from happening? Like please. try harder.

Take Alleria, too :pray:

I wear heavy on my Warden but I have it transmogged to look like leather


How about another horse

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You want to take more unique options and you’re saying what we get in return is for you to stop posting?

No other customizable options? No alternate solutions? Just… you stop posting? That seems a little silly, lol. That isn’t a compromise. That’s you asking for more stuff and threatening to keep the discussion going if you don’t get what you want. Plus, weren’t you the one in the Void Elf thread being antagonistic and telling Void Elf players to stop asking for Void Elf options?

Get outta here.


No, I don’t need to try too much harder. I am prepared to fight this war with you until the end of time itself to retain racial, class, and faction identity between all races, classes, and factions. These things should not become cosmetic only, it would permanently destroy the game if we go down that path and the bar is already really low enough right now.

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Leather bound bow warden bosmer is the CORRECT choice. (He’s very handsome).

Void elves are an abomination. My compromise was not pushing them out. I mean, high elf folks have the numbers over void elf players. Could easily push that around and never let void elf players have a thing. They honestly never should have existed but here we are.

War? You’ve already lost. Factions are getting diminished in 9.2.5 already, with promises for more restrictions removed. As well blizz promised to allow all races to be all classes and it was met favorably. You already lost. No war.