Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

But you agree wth it. Seems like you even push it to happen. That is just as bad.

Right now, factions haven’t been dissolved. So I would be forced into org, which I hate. And I’d lose access to all my alliance mogs. Which they look good on Thalassians. Has nothing to do with faction pride, but preference, until restrictions are lifted.

So faction identity matters? :face_with_monocle:


I won’t hide it. if you were banned from being able to make these posts I would be happy.


No. Unlike the other person, I’m all for factions being dissolved. Liking certain things in a faction doesn’t mean identity matters. Again, if restrictions get lifted and there’s no identity at all anymore, I’m fine. That is the difference.

Oh, right you are one of those losers who wants factions gone, class/race restrictions uplifted as well. Let me guess you also want class identity to be stripped entirely so that mages can wear plate armor and any race can wear heritage armor. The fact you can’t see how delusional and homogenized these ideas are is absolutely mind-blowing. Seek help.


This OP is like the 2 T characters but instead of the threads they do this OP does it with Helfer threads .

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Well. Vast majority of players want it. Sounds like you’re the loser who’s in the minority and is losing the battle. You’re the loser cause you’re losing.

even similar character. down to the class.

No, the vast majority does not want this. The vast majority don’t read forums and have long since quit the game. They won’t return because you broke the game to have velf paladins.

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Yeah I used to support the entire High Elf thing until the point when we actually got Helf options and it still wasn’t enough for people. We needed something to be a little distinct from Blood Elves, and that was the void-aspect. So even though I got a Velf Priest (using the silver/white eye option) and Velf Rogue (with blue eyes and using blue/gold transmog), I try to integrate some void-elements in their backstory otherwise they should just be Blood Elves.

I still think we should’ve got the Broken and Half-Elves instead though.

Vast majority of players or just a real loud bunch crying in GD forum ?


To be fair, Anduin is a priest who wears plate and my warlock looks positively vicious in the Venthyr armored curb stompers.

(more armored pieces for cloth, Blizzard :pray: )

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These are light exceptions though. Why should a mage be running around in Antorus warrior tier? How does this benefit anyone at all?

Believe what you want. Blizz has the data, and they are pushing this for a reason. It’s not just the forums. Blizz has the data. They know what they are doing.

They don’t have any data on this. They don’t listen to the player base as it is. They said one thing in a vague manner and didn’t confirm anything to be happening any time soon either. They will forget it and it won’t be happening, thank goodness for that too.

Eh, just expression of character’s lifestyle. I wear a hodgepodge of different armor weights in ESO for outfits since some pieces are better representations of that character’s style than others.

I sort of gave up on the fight for weighted mog when we had so many cosmetics dumped on us.

You’re sounding delusional. You don’t want it to be the case so you try to deny it. Okay. Whatever floats your boat. Doesn’t change anything.

Says the dude who made a thread to get more options you are never going to get. I am just adding more things to the list of things you are not going to be getting any time soon, or ever.

Ah yes, the greatest form of compromising. When only the other side has to do so and you don’t have to compromise anything.


Couldn’t care less if Blood Elves got every hair style, color, texture, skin color, etc… from Void Elves. Throw in the San’layn/Dark Ranger options too for good measure.

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