Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

Because thats what it is. They wont rest until they’ve stolen everything from blood elves and left us with nothing.


dude your race is the compromise already, you were not even meant to exist and only does it because Blizzard got tired of you people whining over high elves.


I’d like to see BEs get something for losing visual uniqueness too


No one asked to compromise with void elves. We aid high elves. They said void elves, we said no. We did not back down, we are slowly course correcting.

You’re getting darkfallen

Not asking for a lot WTF ?

You helfers ask for everything and you all won’t be happy even if you get it .

You will not be happy until you dilute the identity of Blood Elves and completely remove the identity of Void Elves and Blizz renames them as High Elves . You all will not quit until all that happens.

You don’t want a compromise . In the words of Queen " You want it all and you want it now "


What new things have we gotten? We got skin tones, but we use the model of blood elves, meaning that skin tone is already there in the code. It was just selecting a box. Same with the hair colors, and also same with hair styles.

I don’t think you understand what a compromise means lol


You want high elves, join the Horde, Blood Elves ARE High Elves and are already playable.


Without us real Void Elves you fake elves wouldn’t be here so we need compromise as well. We demand more Void themed stuff and more Void everything if you helfers are going to demand then so should us real Void Elves.


No we aren’t.

We may.

But they may do a lot of things. We may get player housing too someday, but content creators hyped up that before DF too.

You cant go around claiming things that haven’t happened yet as a victory for Blood Elves and then hand wave BE fans aside as you ask for more of our main theme. Blizzards latest patch notes do not reflect your claim.


I mean sure if you just skip over everything I said. I told you my compromise. It’s basically to ease up on the forums, and let void elves have their voice back.

Void elves don’t need anything else. They got more than their share of attention for awhile.


I mean, dark ranger stuff is datamined for 9.2.5. That’s datamining, not conjecture. It will happen. You will get something dark ranger related in some way 100%

I’m content with my blue skin and side-swept wiggles. I just want actual story for the Ren’dorei at this point. :wine_glass:

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It’s not a compromise because you’re not giving anything in return. A compromise requires both sides to make concessions. Blizz gave a lot from Belfs to achieve a middle ground for Helfers. We’ve gone beyond the point of compromise, and the only way to respect both sides is to give Velf and Belf their own unique set of options now.



So play a high elf on the faction it exists on.


No. I want alliance high elf. I don’t want to be a blood elf, I don’t want to be horde.

Well you go the skin tones when Blood Elves got theirs but that wasn’t enough now you all want their hairstyles and void hairstyles removed all as a part of trying to get Blizz to rename them High Elves .

If you honestly believe you will stop with just getting a few hairstyles . Then you are truly capable of lying to yourself and believing it .

You already are an Alliance High Elf

High Elf , Blood Elf and Void Elf are all the same race .

What you want is pretty blonde blue eyed uber race elves


No it wasn’t it was a mistake to listen to the generic elf fanbase


I mean, I gave my word. You can believe it or not but I can’t force you.

No one is saying to remove void elf hair styles. You pulled that out of nowhere.