Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

Void Elves are not the dumpster to put all your options for a “build a race”.

why not? you’re free not to use those options

I’m forced to use the void elf hair. I want at least a few high elf hair styles.

Void elves should still be in line for options though and Blizzard should stop appeasing you over actually giving other people a fair shot. And nothing you say will change that. The actual void elf player base has received nothing.


And they still can. We definitely deserve to have the hair at least to finish our options. Then void elves can go crazy. I just want a few copy and paste styles so I can finish my elf. It’s so easy to implement it doesn’t take away options from void elves. Void elves can get all the new styles that take effort and time to make. That is even better for you than copy paste.

Nah. You’ve gotten enough. A patch which was intended for LFD, Highmountains and Nightborne got ransacked by high elves who kicked and screamed for more attention, and they received it then too.

You can take it slow for a little bit.


And you’ve taken away race identity from blood elves and void elves in the processes.

And you’re STILL making demands


But the issue is there would be confusion.

Because there would be the high elves… and the poor imitation elves.

If you want to be a high elf, play one, they have been playable since the burning crusade.


No. There’s no point in not giving us the hair and letting us be happy. No point at all. They all got new things you know? Void elves only got copy paste. We took no time from anyone. And here I am asking for more copy paste. When void elves get new stuff, just throw in the copy paste hair I asked for. It’s that simple, and it makes us both happy.

That’s already been done. Uniqueness gone. New hairstyles changes nothing. Can’t kill something that’s already dead.

The fact you feel this way is everything wrong with your line of thinking. “Screw everybody else and their identity, I’ll take cheap copies and all that just to appease me and MY wants. Mememememe.”

This is why people find it irritating.


Well. It belongs to the alliance as well. It was ridiculous for horde to have it all to themselves to begin with. We’re finally getting a bit of it back. I don’t find it a problem because of this. It’s also ours.

Real Void Elves have been passed over now several times to get Void options just so Blizzard can cave more into giving the fake elves what they want how about stop asking until the rest have a chance to catch up.

As a real Void Elf I want more Void themed stuff and less fake elf stuff so when do I get it huh.

Be grateful for what you got and learn to be patient and wait your turn again I swear give a mouse a cookie.


You can get it next. I only ask for copy and paste during the next void elf patch. You get the new stuff, we get a few copyable things that are quick and easy to do.

No it wasn’t ridiculous for Horde to have it because blood elves are a Horde race. You don’t deserve things because it exists. Faction identity should mean something.


High Elves are neutral. Blood Elves are a horde race, but not all high elves are in the horde.

All blood elves are high elves but not all high elves are blood elves.

Ok here is my compromise .

Stop giving only Blood Elf options to Void Elves and start actually giving more void options to them .

Stop catering to the Helfers and give people that actually like the Void aspect something .


Why does the phrase “Give them an inch they take a mile” come to mind when it comes to these HE threads?


I only asked for a few hairstyles. Nothing new. No actual work put into it. That is the compromise. Void elves can get the shiny new things. I just want a few things from blood elves. And keep in mind, it’s absurdly easy to do. Void elves with the natural skin tones actually use straight up the blood elf model. To the point they used to have blood elf underwear. So that means somewhere deep in the code, the blood elf hair styles are all already present. Just not selected.

All of this. Void elves deserve actual options. The high elf player base has cut the line repeatedly and mugged people for their options over and over and over, and it doesn’t ever stop.

Enough’s enough. Give the void elves actual void options. And preserve faction identity for blood elves. Stop giving high elves crap.


Faction identity? Factions are dead. Or will be soon. Who cares about identity anymore?