Let's compromise on some void elf/high elf stuff

Nah high elves are also studying the void pretty safe to assume high elves are also converting to the void meaning they are void elves. Going to see blizzard state void elves are former high elves that aren’t void touch and the ones that are the blood elf exiles.

We see Alleria and Vareesa talking right now. They will probably conjoin their armies together. Silver covenant high elves and Allerias crack team of void elves. And we will be able to choose which type of elf we are.

That definitely is a compromise. What else could we offer on our side? I mean you are welcome to void elf hair but I hear you don’t want it. You guys are getting darkfallen soon anyways. So you’ll be fine.

Yeah between night elves and void elves. No more high elves considering you see them studying the void which is something high elves wouldn’t do in past. :stuck_out_tongue:

Or you can stop. You got enough. Be happy with what you received.


We see a few studying. None of Vareesas are studying as far as I know. Not all the high elves are studying. Hardly any honestly.

He’s not happy he is a void elf in denial went mad probably with whispers of the void


Or I can just get my options, be happy to finally have my high elf, and then I’ll stop. What do you care if I get my high elves? Petty.

we could use a fat elf in a game. an elf that isn’t up to the “pretty” standards of most fantasy elves. I think void elves/ high elves would work splendidly on this issue. Since their fanbase is such a symbol of gluttony why not make their in-game model a symbol of that as well?

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Nah it’s not just a few it’s a good portion of them meaning they aren’t really high elves based on premise of the split between blood elves and high elves.

I care that you keep trying to mug other races for options when you’ve already done enough of that. It’s annoying. It’s irritating. You keep seeking to just take more and more from other people, and damn everybody else who might actually be in line for options.


You need to google what “compromise” means.

Because clearly it doesnt mean what you think it means.

Blizzard needs to put this to bed though for sure.

Revert all BE tones from void elves qnd change blood elves back to high elf.

Problem solved instantly.


I agree we need kul tiran model have pointy ears and dub those high elves.

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No one is mugging. Thalassians belong to alliance as much as horde. They have history, they are still allied with alliance. You don’t have to like it. but alliance has just as much of a stake with Thalassians as horde.

My opinion?

Maned is a solid Blood Elf one. It’s basically Kael’thas’ hairstyle.

Slicked is fine, and Chronmage I think came from Night Elves anyways, so that’s fair game.

I’d go with 5 (Parted Long) or 8 (Feathered) instead of Maned.

it would also be lore accurate because while their people starved in silvermoon due to it’s state after the scourge invasion they just ate in alliance dominated areas with their bellies full.

Nah. You are. And you keep further seeking to dilute the void elf fantasy. Which is also irritating. Void elves should actually get some options considering the only things they’ve gotten are options for a crowd that never wanted them in the first place.

You kick and you scream, wanting Blizzard to keep giving you stuff. But the void elf player base that actually likes void elves has gotten nothing at all. And that’s not right either.

Let other people have a turn and actually be content for once.


Void Elf fantasy was a mistake. Even blizz knows that now. I mean, there was an overabundance of people immediately swapping from the void elf look to the high elf look. It shows interest. Void Elf is unpopular. Who cares if we dillute something people don’t even care about? Like gheeze. You are over here acting like I’m asking for so much. A few copy paste hair styles so males can finally have a decent long hair option that is fine and regal, and a EE toggle that just takes a few lines of code to change. We’re not stealing dev time from anybody so you can relax.

I care about the void elf fantasy and I know plenty of other people who do too, just like there are people who like gnomes, dwarves, or Kul Tirans. You don’t get to ruin other peoples’ fantasies because you’re greedy.


yes, give void elves demon hunters and silvermoon in addition to dark ranger customizations and blood elf hairstyles

also give players the option to label their void elves as high elves

Well guess what… not ruining it. Wanna be a void elf? You got void elf options. Adding non void elf options does not ruin anything. YOU AREN’T FORCED TO USE THEM Gheeze. Why does this have to be said. You never have to use them, never have to look at it on your character. You can go full void elf on every void elf character you make. It would only ruin it if we took things away and changed them. But nothing was removed.