Lets admit something about RDF

So you’re crying because you can’t kill low levels?

Top kek… :poop:

Lol… what social aspect. This isn’t 2008. I’ve seen more people speaking in RDF than group finder (which wasn’t even used back when this was current).

That is what it should be. The same damn game that was originally launched.

Because you probably weren’t even here for it.

They improved the game for more than you inconsequential cry babies and trolls.

Not much of a thought process there. On a side note: learn punctuation so your posts are without run on sentences.

Again, clearly, you were not around for this point of the game when it was, in fact, retail.


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Why stop at raids?

Wrath arena could use a soloQ.

I maintain and stand by the notion that all content needs X-realm/server group automation.

I’ve had far more shady stuff done to me in pugs than I have in RDF…cope harder.


There wasn’t much of a social aspect to dungeons to begin with… nothing has changed for me, anyway. The only time there was any “social interaction” was when I joined premade guild groups. And that’s STILL the case with RDF.

Pugging dungeons were always at best single serving friends.

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Gonna disagree. Since before RDF. You couldn’t join a group if you were plate, or a DK, or below 5.5k GS, or if something was on reserve, or if you didn’t know shortcuts, or if you didn’t agree to whatever other stupid demand that was in place.

RDF is a great social feature. Also it keeps you out in the world playing the game. You can Quest, work on professions and do things while waiting for a group and it teleports you there. Allowing you to play the game instead of waiting to play the game.


What do u want the screenshots of ppl raging after I did it, I kept all those if u wanna see em

My experiences in groups so far with RDF have been pretty similar to without RDF.

This thread hasn’t gone the way the anti-RDFers thought it would.


Who on earth has ever said RDF can do no wrong?

Of course it can.

But it’s miles better than the idiotic gatekeeping and being forced to sit in Dalaran to stare at chat channels to get into groups.

There is no perfect solution, but there are certainly downgrades from RDF. We’ve seen that all of classic.


The only thing that seems to be an issue is Frozen Orbs and PvP Flagging.

Some servers the general rule of thumb is Need on them while others is Greed. Which isn’t that big of a deal, with people spamming dungeons so much now Frozen Orbs are dirt cheap.

The only other issue is a Tank/Healer not being flagged for PvP.


If others need on orbs, so do I. Otherwise I greed. I also keep myself flagged just to avoid any buff issues.

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there’s an epidemic of ppl ninjaing gear that no1 wants to vendor for 10g

rofl ya sure

muh socializing

Really broadcasting how pathetic your life is huh?

*Looks at all the people that stopped running Betas even though Crusader orbs could be bought with Sidereal Essence *

That’s because Gamma is the new content. You can also exchange primordials for sidereals, so there is no reason to do Beta unless your ilvl isn’t high enough for Gamma.

RDF literally can do no wrong, just like a hammer cant nor a gun. Tools cant do wrong, the humans can and the vast majority of humans dont.

Crusader Orbs werent used in the creation of a legendary, Primordial is. You need 25 of them. People will continue to do them. Not to mention the 2/4 sets need a lot of emblems.


Lol you seem to be the person who likes to feel superior and trash on people eh? I was pro rdf since the beginning, my point is that I have noticed how it changed things. But yes I am desperate.

rdfs been fine

Not really, this was honestly one of the best things to come back for. It’s been nice being able to quest and get a group filled for me at the same time, all while not losing the integrity of the dungeon. For example WC is still the normal WC dungeon but not the watered down versions they become cata onwards

Ive had nothing but great experiences. Maybe a wipe here and there but nothing to get flustered over. I’m loving RDF honestly.