Let your voice be heard and help to free Penance(AU) & Shadowstrike(AU)

Mostly sock puppets arguing amongst themselves.

It’s bad everywhere, even East coast, just worse West. It’s also worse for anyone playing from SEA.

It’s really arrogant to try and force people onto a 300%+ latency increase when you can just paid character transfer off SS whenever you want.

Brother you’re talking about arrogance and then telling me I should have to pay to leave the server when literally every other server is getting a free transfer and we were supposed to get that fcm also until people like you argued and stopped us from getting it… And what’s it to you if I leave shadowstrike? You don’t have to leave shadowstrike, you can keep your low ping and low player count.

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The people who didnt want the transfers off SS are scared that they have been misrepresenting their supposed “majority” and that too many people will transfer off SS.

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“Force” - It’s offering a free character transfer. Nobody is under any obligation to use it. Everybody else is getting it free. It’s opportunity for others to leave that scares you because you don’t want to leave - and you want to lock down the people that do want to leave just so you won’t be alone. Where is the fairness in that?


It’s insane he is trying to paint us as the bad guys when he is literally trying to lock the door and throw away the key so we have to stay and play with him.


LOL!! Before today is was 2-3 sock puppets rotating characters and spamming the forum


I’ve explained a few times about the cascading effect of offering free transfers, especially on people who are unsure. Blizzard offering free transfers will destroy SS because as well as the free transfers they are also locking down the server and restricting it.

Paid character transfers are the best solution because those that truly want to leave can, without affecting the health of the server.

What isn’t fair is a handful of people REEEing about wanting a free move when most of the server prefers lower ping, which will then kill off the server due to the lockdown restrictions.

You are though - you don’t even play on SS, you just troll on your level 25 sock puppet that you could relevel on another server in the amount of time you’ve been trolling.

Bro you are posting on a LVL 51 void elf…

And? It’s the only character i’ve posted on in many years. I don’t sock puppet on multiple characters trying to troll a whole server. Your sock puppet has 69 posts with most of them today.

Everyone is paying a subscription already. You want the people who were originally offered a fcm to have to pay for it so they stay on your server because you posted on multiple alts on the forums “REEing” that you weren’t happy with the fcm. Why don’t you pay to stay on SS and see how many people truly want to stay on there? It’s one of the worst arguments I’ve ever heard…

You don’t play sod, you’re posting on a retail character.

Sure cobber, keep trolling bro.

You just said I don’t play because I’m posting on a LVL 25 sod character and yet you’re posting on a void elf. LOL

No, I said you’re trolling on a sock puppet lvl 25 SOD character. I know you don’t play on SS because you admitted it in another post.

Get off the sod forums. You’re a retail player. You admitted you don’t play sod in another post

Thanks for the initiative Growladin.

Our server doesn’t have a sufficient population base for guilds to continue raiding. We don’t have enough players to replenish our communities and raid groups. No transfer means the end of the journey for pretty much everyone on Penance who wants to continue raiding. We’re bleeding players and can’t find new ones to rejoin our ranks. Every guild I know is on their last legs and can’t continue much longer.

No transfer means we, including myself, won’t be able to to continue and our SOD journey will end with the onset of phase 5 on a dead server. I only play SOD (returning from OG in 2004-2006). If I can’t continue, my sub ends here too - alongside many others in our community who ONLY play SOD.

Let us finish the journey we’ve started with you Blizzard/Classic Design Team.

Caelia/60 Paladin/Penance



I’m very confused, if the vast majority of shadowstrike / penance players don’t want to transfer, why are some people so terrified of the transfers being opened, if you are to be believed, no one would take them, unless you don’t really believe that?


I personally cant go on spending long to form a dungeon group than it takes to complete it. Open transfers and let the player base decide.

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I support penance transfers to shadowstrike and or wild growth. +1

I do not support Shadowstrike and oceanic being wiped out and forced onto NA ping and having character creation locked 2 very different situations which need 2 different approached.

Good luck penance i hope you will get behind my request for a better solution for all of us


I also hope that the majority of people on Shadowstrike who WANT to transfer also get that option and aren’t held hostage by a vocal minority.
