Let your voice be heard and help to free Penance(AU) & Shadowstrike(AU)

Majority voted on shadowstrike and are happy with the outcome you wouldn’t know because A) you arent on shadowstrike B) you weren’t on the shadowstrike discord.

Cheers big ears.

320 people out of thousands voted on the SS poll. Hardly representative of the majority.

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Those of us on Penance, the overwhelming majority, want to transfer to Wild Growth. We want the transfers to Wild Growth to open.

Let Shadowstrike stay or sort them out separately, but Penance want to go to Wild Growth.

Blizzard should have contacted each of us on the server directly, through a poll or something first (like OSRS does, or like they have done in Classic before), before making these decisions that so drastically effect us.


So even if it was a 70/30 split. The 70% shouldn’t have the right to dictate what the 30% want. If 70% want to stay go ahead and stay. You shouldn’t hold the 30% that want to leave hostage for your whims.

Leave character creations open for EU and open transfers give players that want to leave a choice.


Well said Growl!

Blizzard, give both penance and shadowstrike players the choice to play on the server they choose.

Let the populations decide whether each server lives or dies, not some internet trolls.

I am American, and I had to make a character on Shadowstrike because the horde US servers were locked. Please let me transfer off the AU. It is dead, and I can never find any groups.


I log in at 7pm AWST (2hours after “peak” times) and it takes me anywhere from 30-60mins to find a dungeon. My guild members, are hardly ever online as they’re currently playing Cata or Retail. So doing guild runs, are hardly possible.

Yet very rarely do you see anyone hosting raids and less so hosting raids where they are explaining things to new players. That are starting SoD late.

I want to be on a server where I can, log in to an alt. Find a group within LESS than 30 minutes. Where I can sell my stuff on the AH without having to spend 6 hours undercutting because there is actually a DEMAND for items. Or more so, people to buy them.

For the past week on SS, I have seen more or less the same people advertising crafts, sales and dungeon runs (usually with a HR on something). The few times I actually attempted to level my alt this week, I came across the same 2 people in each dungeon a couple days apart. It is sad. I am sad. Let me travel to the land of the free. I just want my choice on whether I get to stay or leave. I don’t feel it was appropriate of Blizzard to just remove FCM’s from Oceanic altogether.

Since before server merge was announced. I was getting more and more irritated with logging in, only to spend 30+ minutes searching for a dungeon, usually a real run. I was on the verge of quitting or at least starting to raid log my one max level character. As soon as the server merge was announced. I instantly got excited. I was going to be able to find dungeons again. Have people to play with and new friends to make. An active LFG chat. An auction house that has more than 1.2k items on it. Now I have nothing but the forums to look at. Hoping, waiting, for Blizzard to notice the amount of people that did WANT out. Not just seeing the people who DIDN’T.

Add RDF also while opening up transfers for these people

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Free shadowstrike

Free shadowstrike!

I want off Penance and on to Wild growth!

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Free shadow strike now

Heartening to see the words of so many different people in support of opening up transfers for Penance and Shadowstrike.
Optional transfers offer choice - which is what we’re asking for.
Please continue to fight for your right to choose where you play. Don’t be bullied and silenced by a few keyboard warriors desperate to maintain their temporary notoriety.
Let them stay!
Let our voices be heard today and push for the choice to transfer.
Having a choice to move or stay is a better outcome than forced exile on Penance or Shadowstrike.
Post for Freedom!

Free Penance… so we can bring our level 50 alts across to WG

Amen, please allow us to xfer!

Someone start another poll outside of a niche discord!

This is the only poll they’ll need - choose option 3 and let the players decide

What poll?

I would transfer to wild growth or shadowstrike it would not bother me but we should have a choice or maybe LINK BOTH OCEANIC SERVERS TOGETHER. FREE PENANCE!!

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(post deleted by author)

This is typical of Blizzard to listen to the minority of the player base, instead of the majority and change their mind at the last minute.