Penance has been thrown under the bus and we won’t be getting the much needed transfer to Wild Growth. Our server is dead and Blizzard said as much in their posts and commentary on the upcoming transfer window.
Now because of a vocal group who have done a great job of pushing their agenda onto the forums and drumming up support for a “stay as we are” campaign, the vast majority of players are left on dead or dying servers with no hope of recovery or relief.
So, if you’re disappointed with the decision to halt transfers for Penance and Shadowstrike post here and in every other post related to this topic.
Make your voice heard hopefully get this terrible decision reversed.
The choice to transfer is what we want, let those who want to stay on and play in peace.
Free Penance now!
Free Shadowstrike now!
Dear Blizzard,
Let Penance do what they want and transfer to WG, but please ignore them as far as Shadowstrike goes. Penance are an irrelevant drop in the ocean when it comes to the OCE playerbase, and their opinion as it affects Shadowstrike should be ignored totally.
Shadowstrike has a healthy population and the majority don’t want to move. Ignore the couple gaslighting Penance players.
Free shadowstrike too please. I don’t want to be stuck on a dying server with no groups going because a few morons pretended the server was thriving on the forums.
Let us off Penance…
#FreePenance! Let us transfer to WG Blizz.
If penance gets to transfer to US please let SS do the same. Those who want to prevent anyone from leaving can stay, they think the majority want to stay so I don’t see why it’s such a big deal to them that everyone stays on their server.
Most normal people don’t want to argue with others online, create weird e-petitions or have to BEG for a better product.
If the transfers open up from Penance & Shadowstrike the numbers will speak for themselves.
Please Blizzard, I would like to transfer to a more populated server to experience what I have come and paid for. Community. Get me off this server known as Shadowstrike.
Let Penance transfer. It is no fun playing on a dead server
And immediately after your “shadowstrike is ok” post there are Shadowstrike players asking for transfers. A healthy population doesn’t mean much if you’re just counting numbers, prisons have healthy populations but no one wants to be there. Instead you should be listening to all those who want to transfer off Shadowstrike and support their choice. It’s their game too after all. You’re free to stay where you are.
Also - there are far too many posts support transfers for any of this to be “gaslighting” lol
Exactly, these clowns are forcing others to stay on a dying server who will eventually just quit playing. It’s literally detrimental to the oceanic population. The guys who are fighting for this will NEVER leave shadowstrike even if there was 1 other player with them. Do not listen to those clowns.
Please blizzard give us access to transfers off the servers as it is needed.
If you mean some sockpuppets then yeah - but the vast majority of actual players have made it clear they don’t want to transfer and that should be respected.
Insulting them does not invalidate their view, only diminishes your mana.
Free Shadowstrike, Free Penance!
Go to kekland, you don’t speak for the majority, only the vocal minority.
Free Oceania!!! Penance and shadowstrike players don’t pay to get imprisoned on dead servers because of what a vocal minority asked for.
Open the transfers, let us transfer off this dead realm!
Why do you care…really… if they open it up for people to move how does it affect you …your not forced to move… stay where you want thats fine but if others want a change let them be your just being dumb
I care because the latency (especially from WA) to the east coast server is horrendous. Them opening up the transfers means, as they state, they will restrict character creation etc on SS. So rather than the minor amount of people transferring away, people will panic about the server and will just transfer off to be “safe”, compounding the issue and will effectively kill the server.
If they allowed transfers but otherwise left SS alone it would be better.
Or you know, just use the paid transfer option if you want to leave?