Let your voice be heard and help to free Penance(AU) & Shadowstrike(AU)

Just join a raiding guild that’s going to stay?
Why should we have to cater to just you. You are more than welcome to stay on the server


Why should the minority of players that want to leave hold the majority captive? What makes the minority a priority to cater to?

You have an option to leave right now via a paid character transfer.

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Please let me get a shield in DFC by having people to play with off Penance!

What makes you think those wanting to leave are minority?

You need to stop ‘representing’ people - just speak for yourself - you want to stay, that’s it, leave everyone else out of it.

I don’t want to stay.


I’m only representing myself. But the only data we have shows that the majority want to stay. The poll (plus forum posts when you remove the obvious sock puppets on both sides) are quite clear on it.

If the MAJORITY want to stay, then let them stay.
Let the so called “Minority” (Which is actually a lot more than you think) that “poll” was nothing to go by as ALOT of people are not part of that discord

Have you been reading the forums in the last 6 hours? a lot more people wanting to transfer than stay


Free shadowstrike

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Let Shadowstrike leave.

If nobody on Shadowstrike wants to go as stated by the vocal rhetoric that has been pushed the last week, then there is no risk to the existing population.

Why these people are keeping the door closed on the car that plunged into the neighborhood pond to spite the rest of us is beyond me. I want an active and visible community of other players to play with.


No, you are again mentioning what you think is the majority vs. minority

The sample of the poll is extremely biased, not only because your everyday casual players are unlikely to join server discord and participate in polls, but also because the poll was launched when Blizz had annoucned what appeared to be a firm decision - to open transfer to NA - at which point those who agree with Blizz would be less likely to be bothered to participate or voice their opinion.

Look at the forum today.


Blizzard, and a very loud and vocal minority on Shadowstrike, have doomed Penance to failure. EVERY raiding guild on Penance was ready to move to Wild Growth today - our AH had been drained, mail had been sorted and people had said their goodbyes. Then, at the last minute we find out that people FROM ANOTHER SERVER have spoken for us and effectively doomed our server. Well now the SILENT MAJORITY is speaking up and DEMANDING that the transfers be allowed to go ahead before the people on Penance stop playing the game altogether.


So if they don’t stop character creation (noone is going to make new characters on shadowstrike regardless) then you’d be fine with people transfering off shadowstrike?

Also just because you will get bad ping from WA if you move why do you feel the need to hold everyone else hostage? Why not start a WA guild and all play together on shadowstrike and let everyone else enjoy themselves too.


We need a decision on the FCM offering for the Oceanic server: Penance (AU)

There is a massive issue stemming from the blue post that updated us players on FCMs:
“Oceanic servers are currently planned to be included in this FCM offering… The Oceanic PvE realm no longer sustains actual group play… we feel that a higher ping but actual ability to find groups for content supersedes lower ping times…”

Because of this, entire guilds were ready to transfer when they became available, only to have this update given at the time transfers were scheduled to begin.

It makes sense why our players were not pounding the forums. We read the blue post and understood that the current plan was for transfers to take place today. Had the developers’ change in thinking and decision to cancel FCMs for OCE been communicated at any time before the transfer window opened we would have had a chance to be on the forums earlier.

Please communicate your decision for our characters.


Free shadowstrike blizz


Free Penance!


give us the option to move to pve or pvp we are sick of being on silent servers

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Free shadowstrike


Let people transfer off already like you said


The communication on Blizzard’s part has been beyond shocking. To leave Penance players in the wind at the last possible moment is infuriating. Everyone was prepped to leave. Allow our transfers to WG so we can play on a live server, I’ll take 150ms over a dead server any day. Its sad to see Penance continue to suffer because of a completely separate sever that has nothing to do with us…

Free Penance.


Free Penance now! The player base has said it clear and loud. A few sweaty players on SS can’t ruin it for everyone else who want to leave. They can stay if they want to stay.


Free penance and free shadowstrike! Let the vocal minority that want to go down with the ship stay there if they want but atleast give the rest of us the option if we want to leave!