Let us hide gloves, bracers, and pants!

Griftah Authentic Troll Shoes is my favorite cosmetic by far. Gotta honor my troll heritage.


They said no pants so I doubt they’ll be pulling our legs or anything in the pants area. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


But one can hope! :sunglasses:

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/waggles eyebrows at you


I dream of nudity…

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Can you let us have the tricorn hats transmoggable at level 1?

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Yes, they also hid me in my apparent shame; At least part of my face is visible.


If we can’t hide pants we need a way to address the under layer that shows through for certain robes. There’s almost nothing that matches (color or style) the robes you get from AQ 40 (like robes of insight) and they usually look pretty meh.

That’s my only beef with no pants. If there’s a robe in the chest slot let the bits under the robe flow free!


:roll_eyes: I find it strange some people assume only guys play this game and anyone playing a girl is doing it for pervy reasons. I think these assumptions are kinda creepy.

Seriously! Thank you Silaena!


I agree. If you are going to hide chests, you may as well hide pants. Once the line is gone, it’s gone.


My post was deleted… Thanks bliz. Anyways people who do hurt people do not follow the philosophy of “do whatever you want as long as you aren’t hurting anyone” So they either quote it out of irony, or are hypocrites.

Um, yes actually there is more to my character’s pants than the default underwear, but thanks for playing.

Plus, as others have said, there are reasons why no pants would be needed, even if not to be “naked” as for example if one is wearing something like the Lovely Dresses from Valentine’s Day, they have holes in the sides which means anything you might be wearing underneath is going to show through. Not all classes get 'warbear woolies" like Leather wearers do, and even if they did, the belt still shows.


That happened to me once, the thing is, we only have your side of the story. In my case, this friend for years claimed that ALL of my female characters were dressed skimpy and she objected vehemently, accused me in no less words of objectifying women with my character’s outfits. However, this was a superhero game with a plethora of classes and character customization that was purely cosmetic, so I had over 40 unique characters, most of them women. How many were dressed skimpy? 4-5 and yet only two of those were among the characters I played the most so for her to say that ALL my characters were dressed skimpy was simply not true, and when I told her as such, she dropped her friendship with me.

Another game I play that has purely cosmetic character customization I have skimpy outfits and non-skimpy outfits, I even have some male characters showing way more skin than any of my females (kudos to that game for finally (with the help of a player no less!) making skimpy outfits for men) so am I objectifying men in that game?


Because underwear (which in this game is much more akin to a fancy swimsuit) in a freaking game has NOTHING to do with violence against children or sexual violence. NOTHING.


Your doubt on my presenting my experience is interesting. I did state it was only on his female plate wearers. He has 2 accounts with 60 or 70 toons. Only a handful wear “Mankinis” as he calls them. I guess you could question whether I harangued him for 7 years about this handful, but then you would have to ask why he stayed and put up with it for 7 years. As guild leader, I could have simply banned the dress or player from the guild. I respected his choices even though I didn’t agree with them. I told him that I thought this upcoming decision took it a step too far, and though you might question my credibility on this as well, he told me that boebs, as he wrote them, were not part of a woman’s reproductive system and didn’t come under the heading of something that could be considered sexual. Tell that to the men who talked to my breasts for 50 years as they spoke to me. I am sure there is at least a few other women who recognize this much discussed behavior. I said that it made me FEEL uncomfortable and he told me I was “wrong”. He also saved the very short exchange and sent it to me email when I sent him a medical webpage talking about the changes that breasts go through during the reproductive life cycle of the woman. It went 2 sentences in when he started attacking me and my feelings as a woman. Send me your email and I will pass it along for you as your needed second side to the story.

I think that if the bra underwear can be shown, the groin underwear can as well. After all, we women might want to embarrass the male toons for lack of size. Seems fair.

We have a difference of opinion. You have a right to yours. As do I.

Can you guys remove some restrictions on the weapons too?

Like allowing Glaives for anyone able to equip 1H swords?
Glaive + Shield like Night Elf Huntresses would be so amazingly cool.

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Um, a psychology major is a student. You have a long way to go before you are even remotely any sort of an expert and it shows in your attempt to create black and white statements about differences in people and personalities. And with regard to your statement that psychologists did the research… two points, therapists are busy in therapy, not number crunching. And someone pays research psychologists for their number-crunching research.

Just like there are 4 major types of personality differences, there are multiple value systems and multiple listening styles and combinations of all sorts of things that are HEALTHY and NORMAL. Just because your personality, value system, and listening style differs from mine, it does not mean I am wrong or sick or any of what you seem to be trying to toss out that should, in fact, be tossed out of your argument.

As I said, you are a student of psychology and any practicing psychologist would consider your arguments short-sighted or naïve at best. Give it a decade. You aren’t even third wave knowledgeable yet.

And then watch the Whole Wide World on Prime and take a look at the father of Sword and Sorcery fantasy. Another thing a trained, experienced psychologist would not do is infer that someone where lying about a stated fact before they checked their own facts.

The tough thing about being a Senior is watching all of the youngsters insist that they have better insights or experience with less than half of the life’s views.

I still believe that continuing this slide in boundaries is a bad move, regardless of how titillating many youth might consider it.

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And then let’s go play Second Life. After all, if we want to chase their target market, let’s drop the pretense of Warcraft that is the premise of the game requiring armor and dress, and swap over to become a competitor of that game. Apparently research shows they have a higher player retention than WOW, or is WOW just trying to do it all?

No, I really don’t care. You’ve presented your “opinion” as wrong as it is, and there is no reason for us to continue this discussion, especially in what you’ve said to others is plainly laughable especially when you go full on absurd saying we’re trying to make this game into Second Life. Most of us just want PANTS TO NOT SHOW THROUGH OTHER OUTFITS WHEN THEY SHOULDN’T. Then those who do want to be able to run around in “bra and underwear” again so the hell what?

Although, at this point I also realize I’m confused as to your entire point… it sounds like you think that pants should be removed, and yet… you seem to be giving reasons that they should not be?