Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm

no because that was never expected.

what was expected, was that i would never lose progress on this character. not that i would have to choose if i wanted my progress lost on tbc or classic.

The whole point of this thread was by an “ALT” crying that he would lose his R14 status moving to TBC. All the “grind” errr time he put in to be granted the right to be R14 on his server by whoever is controlling the premade brackets.

You didn’t lose progress. You are progressing your character to TBC. Nothing is deleted, nothing is lost. Its just not on vanilla anymore, just like in actual timeline of the game. No one was saying in vanilla that they were losing progress when BC came out, that’s just ridiculous.

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think hard guys do you want your progress deleted off of tbc or off of vanilla? remember you can never get your 70+ days of /played, 20+ clears of raids, epic mounts, none of it ever comes back on that game.

it does. no copies basically guarantees that classic will die to tbc, and tbc will die to wrath, so effectively overridden.

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Just FYI. Nobody here actually “owns” their character. Blizzard owns everything and we own nothing. Blizzard just allows us to play these characters.

You do not own your character. Activision does. It is their game not yours. Play by their rules or don’t play at all. So simple. I personally do not care if they let us keep both. The whole reasoning was the OP thinks his R14 means something.

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I mean, just because “you” didn’t expect it does not mean “It” wasn’t expected.

“You” had unfounded “hopes” that is all. Now your disappointed and are grasping at straws to make “your hopes” a reality

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:clap: :raised_hands: :sparkling_heart:

i own the debit card that pays for the account that logs in that plays that character

It’s how EVERYONE in here talks, acts and speaks. Based off of their feelings.

I ALWAYS express that these are my feelings, thoughts and opinions. So, when some (not all) come swinging and screaming at me that I’m “wrong” about how I think and feel, I’m not going to back down. I’m entitled to express my thoughts and opinions because that’s what these Forums are for. NOTHING said on here is FACTUAL but just based off of everyone’s feelings, emotions, thought processes and opinions.

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Nope. You either keep your progress and go into TBC, or you keep your progress and stay into Classic. You don’t keep your progress and stay in Classic while also creating a second identical character to progress into TBC.

In this system one character exists. In your tantrum-induced demands, two identical characters exist.

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what happens to your progress on the game you dont progress into?

not if they are consolidated. it’ll seem busy and have a healthy pool of players to play with/recruit from

not if they are consolidated. it’ll seem busy and have a healthy pool of players to play with/recruit from


Is it? I don’t always speak with my feelings. In this case, I’m not using my feelings at all. I honestly wouldn’t care if someone gets a free character copy to play both at once, I’m just arguing with Joyson that the current system isn’t bad.

I made my hunter from day 1 for tbc and im going to keep hunter in tbc server era even when wrath comes. If i play wrath i will decide wat other toon to progress but i would have to make the choice.


Unsub. Doubt they will miss your 15 bucks a month. And 30 seconds from the time you do, no one that plays WOW will care that you ever existed.

yeah well youre level 22

My progress never existed on the game I don’t progress to, so nothing? How is this hard for you to grasp?

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