Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm

Is the writing team into creating an alternate universe? Because Legion put a cap on a lot of this.

Exactly why I was never opposed to “fresh” BC, in the first place :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

then feel free to stop responding since you dont have any useful information to add to your argument. ive completely destroyed every “point” you have provided (really its just you making two lines of snotty retorts with no actual message)

I mean no one is forcing you to lvl a human paladin named Joyson. Thats completely up to you.

You made this same argument in the other thread.

  1. Its not half. Its nowhere near half. I would guess its closer to 10% of people that would prefer permanent vanilla to tbc or fresh vanilla
  2. You aren’t losing progress. You don’t lose anything actually, you are just moving to a new expansion. Yes, that character doesn’t exist in vanilla anymore I guess but you didn’t lose anything. I wouldn’t say in actual vanilla I lost my progress when the game went to BC, I just progressed to BC
  3. Blizzard isn’t going to assign massive resources to allowing players to copy characters themselves, let alone even more resources to do it themselves. Also there are so many issues with Blizzard doing this instead of the players. And history has taught us that Blizzard doesn’t like or is even unwilling in most circumstances to do this type of thing. They are, historically, VERY hands of when it comes to player characters.

If they exist in different games, then why would the different game retain my progress from this game?

Are you arguing for forced fresh TBC?

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except maybe you dont feel like leveling the same character twice

if i want to play both tbc and vanilla, this is what i would have to do. blizzard is requiring me to do this.

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Ah, now we get to the crux of it. Your feelings. That’s all that matters to you.

Okay then. That’s the end of an argument when one side admits their feelings are their sole motivator.

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hahahahah see ya

Why do you think you should be able to create a second identically progressed character in a different game?

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create? nah. how about we use the word keep

But it’s a “different game”. You can’t keep anything if it never existed in the first place.

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a different game designed to accept characters one time from the previous game in its cycle. why do i have to explain this to you?

Your whole argument holds no barring whatsoever. You have not destroyed any of my points, and now you would like me to stop because I am making you look stupid.

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Yes, accept characters one time. So you either progress your character or keep it in Classic.

Thanks for agreeing with me!

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I look forward to blizconline today. The devil is in the details.

Everyone should celebrate bc tbc is not overriding classic and sets precedent that tbc will not be lost to wrath.


also, what? now youre back to your original reply that i proved to you that the decision to progress means a decision on which wont get that progress. and you agreed with me, you just didnt want to admit it, even though every time you went into detail, the words you used were the same in essence to what i was saying.

Yea. And they should. There two different games.

They dont let you play your shadowlands character on classic, do they? No because there different games

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I at least feel as a stout advocate of no copies always that i played a small roll in blizzard decision to go the route they choose along with alot of others here on thread.

We did it guys!