Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm

Its forced progress. You don’t have a choice. You will be progressed whether you like it or not.
You can then decide to go back.

so lets say you are playing vanilla. you choose to progress into tbc. what happens to your character on vanilla?

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It progressed into TBC. Again, this isn’t a hard thing to grasp.


got an opinion on that video you linked?

lol and what about that character data on vanilla? how would you ever go back and play on vanilla with that character?

You keep bringing up my level like it matters to me or anyone else. Are my words false because I am logged into this toon to make a post?

Want to know more about me? I have 3 mages and a few other toons at 60. I do not sell boosts. I am against that actually and will put boosters on ignore and people that are looking to be boosted.

I am 15/15 Naxx.
I have a rank 11 for the mount only. Another mage that is rank 10. Didn’t feel the need to get to 11 with that one. Really easy to get to rank 11 with very little time wasted in BG’s. Would I love to have the Staff for R14? Sure it is cool looking. I do not have the time of day to do it. Not gonna cry about it. Same as any other server wait your turn to be given the R14. No one on Pagle is actually earning it other than putting in the time played per day/week/month. So enjoy your title just don’t use it as an excuse why you think you deserve something from Blizzard.

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Again, the character data progressed into TBC. The character data still exists, it just wasn’t copied nor was artificially doubled. You can’t go back. You chose to take your character to TBC. Your one character remains one character, not two.

Again, not a hard thing to grasp, and this is you stomping your feet.


I get it, and I honestly get the anger towards this decision.

However, for the health of the game and the classic experience, this is the best decision


hey bro get in line


I didn’t just say feelings. I said feelings, thoughts and opinions.

In my opinion, I think you are because you are satisfied with the results, that is your “power” in spreading your opinion to conform others to it.

Then, there’s no need to argue with anybody about it.

He’s allowed to feel, think and/or express that it is, and we can just take it as his own opinion instead of assuming that he thinks he’s speaking “the truth”. I don’t believe anyone in here is. It’s just our opinions.

You chosed to move to tbc (a different game)
When you chose to leave mcdonalds to go to wendys you are in wendys and there should be no carbon copy of you left in mcdonalds


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why not? you can just log into that character you transferred into tbc right? and play vanilla with it right? that character you transferred over to tbc you can play in vanilla still right? thats how this works right?


Of course he’s allowed to. He’s also not immune to being dismissed and told he’s wrong because he is.

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Oh, most of it was covered in that thread.

I’ll put it up again, just in case anyone missed it:


this is 2160 and the mcdonalds has a cloning machine for customers

ah, i guess ill go read that then.

im not wrong, you are refusing to acknowledge anything i say

By your own words it’s a different game. And you can’t go back because you don’t have two characters that are identical. You have one character.

I’m not sure if you’re attempting a, “gotcha” moment or if you legitimately think your argument is anything better than trash, but… it’s not working.

Your reasoning is completely flawed. Its so flawed that the person who liked your post is joyson with his lack of reasoning even when presented with supporting arguments as to why copies dont work

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You mean I’m not saying what you want me to say.

I understand some (not all) want a “healthy” (whatever that means) game. I was hoping we would worry about that, later, rather than trying to “fix it”, now. So, considering how rushed all of this is, I do agree that this is the “best” decision. HOWEVER, had they taken the time to perfect it and come out with a better solution, I would’ve happily waited. Alas, here we are.