Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm

so you think transferring characters across servers is the same thing as transferring characters across to tbc? loool great grasp for straws idiot, no wonder you’ve been antagonizing me this whole time. youre clearly jealous of my intelligence and are continually probing and poking me to learn my general mannerisms and absorb them into your psyche. enjoy gnome.

you factually lose your progress on the game you do not wish to progress into. you agree with me yes?

I will at least tell you Joyson that at least you post on your classic toon. I give you credit for not posting on no unamed alt or a retail character.

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Boo Hoo. I say it like it is. Does not matter the level of my character I am posting on. Truth hurts.

No, I think it’s quite clear I don’t agree with you. If you do not wish to progress into TBC, you have the option of staying in Classic by transferring. And if you do wish to progress into TBC, you have the option of progressing. You don’t have the option of both progressing into TBC and staying in Classic with a second identical character.

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Copies are an issue for 2 main reasons:

  1. Splitting the playerbase. If copies were to exist, there would likely be a decent amount of people on the legacy classic realms. I believe that fresh servers are eventually going to happen as well. So this would effectively create 3 versions of the game: Fresh Vanilla, Legacy Vanilla and TBC. Down the line, when Blizzard releases Wrath (which I believe they will) this issue again gets compounded. There will likely be TBC fresh servers and eventually Wrath fresh servers. If they add a legacy, permanent last patch server for each version of the game, that will add 3 versions of the game that further splits the playerbase. I would also argue that this will be, by far, the lowest population servers for each version of the game and this situation will continue to get worse and more as more players move off these realms. By not allowing copies this time, they are setting an early precedent and stopping this issue from happening.

  2. Exploits. WoW players are notorious for finding ways to exploit this game and Blizzard is likewise notorious for making this possible, not stopping it early enough or not doing enough to stop it. Copies in other versions of wow (tournament realm, ptr, private servers) have always results in exploits. Players WILL find a way to exploit characters copies.

Ya. Ya I do. Its a transfer! Not a hey you want unlimited free max lvl toons. Thats basically what your asking for.

Lvl another character if you want to play on both. Really ezy to understand

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ironic, coming from an alt

so you dont agree with me that you lose the progress you make on the game you dont progress your character into… jeeez. alright lets listen on what you have to say.

so i tried reading and rereading that but it just sounds like you agree with me

You asked a subjective question to me, and I’m the only one who can answer it, since you asked it in a form of how I WANTED it. It may not be how YOU want it, and that’s OK.

I couldn’t care less about players not wanting to play their copies. That’s fine. I want to play mine.

Also, I did say this:

But sure. Let’s just nitpick what to fight about :slightly_smiling_face:

if you think force deleting half the population’s characters doesnt split the playerbase as much as pure copies would, you need to back up and rethink this whole thing dude.

wouldnt happen if copies were done once, by blizzard

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Correct, you do not lose progress because your character is not deleted.

You have one character. It exists on either the TBC realm that is progressing, or on the Classic realm. Not both - as that would be two characters.

Literacy is definitely an important thing to have.

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but level the same character twice?

Here we go, guys! The thread is about to derail!


If I want two Rogues named Esperia, why in the world would I not have to level a second character?

You want a free max lvl toon with 0 effort.

That’s all I see from looking at your ranting


Yeah, by you :roll_eyes:

they should take some of the profits from tbc, hire a couple gms to combat bots, and a couple devs to crank out some classic+ content for a classic vanilla server or 2. maybe stuff thats already there but never used like dragon isles, karazahn crypts and emerald dream

In DIFFERENT Games that have NO connection to each other, other than a replicated character. The PROGRESS made in BC will NOT go into Classic and vice versa.

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i asked you if you liked that vid you linked. you never replied to me.

because these two rogues would be on different games and you had already leveled them in vanilla, expecting to be able to play it in tbc, not delete it and never come back to vanilla.

If it’s a different game, then you have no reason to retain your progress going into it. So, what is it?

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