Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm

how many times are you going to try and shill this problem to me that doesnt actually matter?

Oh no, me dismissing you has nothing to do with me agreeing at all. And if you want to think that me not engaging in your mental gymnastics any longer is you, “winning” go for it. You need to be able to take pride in something I guess.

what happens if i transfer from tbc to vanilla? will my character be on the tbc server?

Not opinions. Actually facts because I have backed them up with evidence, unlike you. Or at the very least, informed opinions because, again, I have used actual evidence.

so are those two characters detriments to the game? how so? and please dont use your feelings as justification.

just stop replying to me ok? unless you have something important to say.

Artificially creating progressed characters? Yeah, that’s negative.

You’re the one using your feelings as an argument.

Blizzard is doing what common sense dictates. And this will ensure that how ever many classic era servers fill up will be populous and thriving with active players.

And when the time comes same will be for TBC.

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I do my best to, and I want others to utilize this, too, when they don’t understand where somebody is coming from.

I like having my PROGRESS being saved. And, if I don’t want it saved, then I will delete it, myself. I have no issues starting a level 1 character in BC, even with a PROGRESSED character. I don’t even mind starting a level 1 character in Classic, even with a PROGRESSED character. That isn’t the problem. I worked hard on my character(s) and want them to remain in tact, unless I decide to delete them.

  1. This has NOTHING to do with wanting PROGRESS saved and 2) I was hoping Blizz will deal with dead realms, later rather than sooner. Combining servers and stuff, at a later time. I understand the concern of dead servers. I do, but it shouldn’t have NO barring in players wanting their PROGRESS to be saved.

I was planning to play both. I want all of my hard work and efforts in BOTH (at least, if they’re having the PROGRESSED Characters moving into BC) because I want to play both, and I’m going to play both.

I agree that this is the “right” move, with the way that they’re doing it. IDC if there’s a bunch of copies that are inactive, that has nothing to do with me. If Blizz could’ve figured out a way to have copies of both, that would’ve sufficed, and we could’ve worked on the whole “dead realm” thing, later with server combining. But, no. That’s not how it happened, and I’m allowed to be unsatisfied with it.


Sure. And combine Servers later.

If Blizz took in the time to make it work, I would’ve happily waited, but they didn’t, so we have this rushed solution.

Joyson im sure you didnt sleep well. You and your dreams for a phantasmagoria of a wow multiverse full of copies.

Hot mess garbage. I told you so eons ago in other threads that copies would not happen… But ya didnt listen to anyones reason.

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Good luck with that! You might change your mind once you check out one of Joyson’s threads:


not artificially creating, just allowing players to keep their progress. its not like keeping their progress would cause anything bad to happen on the server they dont play on.

nice vid mobikon. you like it?

I always love how people bring up that they are R14 like it’s something special. They give out R14 like candy in Classic. So easy to obtain an 80 year old on Pagle has 3 or 4 toons R14. All it takes is having the time to play. Zero skill involved. When its your turn to be granted the top spot the people controlling it let you have it. Why do you think Premades roll out the white flag against other premades if they do not get the jump in the game. It’s all about the HPH. Not about being good at PVP.

Easy solution for you. Do not play TBC. They are giving you that choice. Plus you wasted all that item sitting in a queue to given the title of Grand Marshall. Kidding yourself if actually think you earned it. Go look at the Riskbreaker thread. Now he earned it. Sure there are a few others out there too. But highly doubt your one of them.

You can keep your progress. You just have to decide between progressing into TBC with your server, or going to a Classic server. You just can’t do both - which would only be possible if you doubled your progress.

Or would you be fine with getting a level 60 Paladin in greens with no history to progress into TBC?

ah i see. trash talk other players on your alt. you shouldnt even be allowed to post here.

decide which progress you want to lose

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Idk. If I transfer my character from Pagle to Mankirk does my character still exist on Pagle? NO. Why? Because I transfered it!!. It was not deleted. Its just moved to another location.

Admit it. You want two characters with only actually putting in the work for ONE.


No the correct answer to that is no. You log onto a server and let it be a hot mess of unplayed copies see how you feel about finding players and or a active community.

Again, you don’t lose anything. Either your progress is preserved on the now-TBC server, or the progress is transferred and preserved on the new Classic server. You just can’t do both, thus meaning you can’t double it.

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