Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm

What does that even matter in tbc since you’d be progressing and replacing every piece in t4 raids?

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WoW is WoW. It’s not an entirely different game, it’s a different era.

No, you’re stomping your feet screeching like a child at not getting what you want.

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The server mergers that they needed to do recently because of incredibly dead realms that had so few people playing on them that it was affecting the player experience.

You can say “not true” to my posts all you like but you haven’t given a SINGLE PIECE of actual evidence or even opinion that is based in any amount of fact. You are literally just spewing uneducated and uninformed opinions on these threads.

You still have titles, mounts, and whatever else you got from Classic, while also retaining that Classic character. You have created two progressed characters without progressing two characters.

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tbc and classic would not be cross interactable, making your concept of having “two characters” dumb because you dont understand that these characters would not gain anything by there being two of them

nice. lets get back to the topic so i can crush you at it.

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every single thing i have posted is a fact. prove one thing that i have said isnt a fact.

So you want classic to die because it won’t effect you? If copying is available it won’t die, if it isn’t, the population will be extremely low on a majority of realms.

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It doesn’t matter. You didn’t play that second character at all, and yet it has every single thing you’ve accomplished on this character.

Not even trying to deny it, and instead acting like you can “crush” anything in an internet argument.

Yeah, you really are a child.

correction. you get to keep your progress on vanilla, while also being able to play tbc with your character. you dont get to flash back to vanilla on your tbc character to help him out.

so would everyone else.

thats what youre looking for. anything other than the topic at hand. go ahead run away, you already know you lost this dumb argument youre trying to grasp at straws for.

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No matter how you try and tapdance, you are not going to get what you want.


I think you have the words “opinion” and “fact” mixed up. You have said a lot of things, but show me a single post where you backed up these “facts” with actual evidence.

so you agree then, that these two characters wouldnt have any negative impact on the game whatsoever. i appreciate you finally admiting defeat and laying your stupid idea to rest.

Nope. That character still exists on the progressed CTBC server. Nothing has been deleted.

You toon was progressed. The New classic only server never had your character on it so It can not possibly be deleted from it.

Can not delete something that never existed in the first place.

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dont need to. the burden of proof lies with you idiot

what is the result of transfer? is that character still on the vanilla realm after transfer to tbc?

Ah yes, so you haven’t given facts then. Good, glad we cleared that up.

idgaf about your opinion because nothing you have ever said has every been important

Joyson… im trying really hard to make you use common sense and think clearly.

I will again use myself as an example to illustrate why copies are bad.

In a bizarro dimension blizzard decides to do copies galore…

So the TBC server has people included that stayed in classic and those toons are missing in action.

Wrath comes and more copies are created as well.

Except I DONT want to play on wrath server copy- I want to stay in TBC

So now… in my TBC server I have not only classic copies or people who seldomly play, But Also toons of wrath players who don’t play or seldomly play.

So doing it your way. Eventually my TBC server will be loaded with classic and wrath copies and I have so sort out actual dependable people to group with. When from the get go blizzard could have consolidated TBC players.

Copies don’t work. And thank god blizzard has a brain to see it too.

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Wasn’t transfered to TBC. The server your currently on will “Progress”. Your character will “progress to TBC with your current server”

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