Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm

listen piper you need to think outside the box. I get it that you want to have all your progressed classic toons saved as a snap shot and pasted on a tbc server that way you can cherry pick what you want to play.

Lets entertain for a moment blizzard copied all the servers and pasted to tbc. All the classic servers then have a plethora of copied toons and to a greater extent unplayed or rarely played. The remaining active players across all those servers will become extremely frustrated in being on a realm where half or more of the population is not active. Just because you want your cake and eat it too.

The way blizzard is doing it ensures that the new classic era servers created from those whom do not wish to play tbc are active, thriving and well populated servers.
(you can still have fresh options as well)

Blizzard is doing the right move in this. I am sorry you do not feel this way but ensuring that the classic era servers have active players and not copies is vital to a servers lifespan.

Remember eventually wrath will come. Do you want a wrath server full of classic /tbc copies that aren’t played ? Because the other players are playing other versions?

Copies are a mess and do not work.

thats alright guys go ahead do some research maybe yall can BS this thread to like 500 replies

Because you kept your progress on a Classic realm while also keeping your progress going into TBC. Instead of making the decision, you get both.

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hey noobshot whats your problem bro? got anything useful to say? or are you just going to keep writing essays about nothing?

That’s not the point. The characters are attached to that server, and Blizzard has to maintain a certain amount of server integrity to allow characters on a server to actually log in. A server with 50,000 accounts, but only 500 that play regularly, would not be considered a low population server, and would be ineligible for migrations to the server since it already has so many attached accounts.

That’s nice and all, but just because you say “nu uh” doesn’t really make a compelling argument.

Just because you’re wrong doesn’t mean you have to go away mad.

You can always just go away.

Wow, imagine acting like a brat because Blizzard isn’t catering to you.

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How would it be. Its a “new” server. “Your” toon was never on it so its definatly not being deleted. Your toon would still exist on the same server that continued to TBC.

See nothing is being deleted.


where is the doubling of progress occurring? am i getting two of the same character on tbc? remember, tbc and classic are not cross game. you cannot interact across these games.

It is a problem because characters sitting idly and not being played with slowly cause the player base of that server to deteriorate.

This has happened many times over the course of wow. A server starts to die out and more and more people move off the server because of it. Its happened with dead/dying servers, its happened with faction balance.

if i never transferred my character to one of these two new servers, my character would not be on one of those servers, thus effectively deleting it off that one.

If you have one character that is in full T3 BiS, and then you have another character in full T3 BiS with all the same progress of the former, then you have created a second identically progressed character - thus doubling progress.

It doesn’t matter about interacting or not. This is you playing dumb to avoid admitting that you’re demanding Blizzard cater to you.

I hope you decided if you want to stay in classic or go to TBC. Ive come to the conclusion your brain has wires crossed that you cant understand how copies are a complete detriment for server populations.


It sounds like you want to play Classic, good thing they’ve brought Classic servers to transfer then, huh?


not true

not true

not because of players sitting logged off making other players want to log off. deaths of servers are definitely not caused by players that arent even playing the game, or even have wow installed. death of servers are natural things that have nothing to do with what the players that are logged off are doing.

hey bro provide me evidence of people that dont play this game affecting players that do play this game maybe your argument would stand

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its not my fault there exists no reasoning for why this should be true at all.

Either you create a character that was never on a server with identical progression to your own, or if Blizzard’s current system goes through then you never had a character on that realm in the first place - so you aren’t losing nor deleting anything. Your exact character still exists on one of two servers.

Do you think that when Blizzard creates a new server in any way, your character is “deleted” from it? Do you have dozens of “copies” of your character that has been “deleted” in Classic?

but on the same game?

YOURE playing dumb not wanting to understand that the two characters have nothing to do with each other.

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the character COULD exist on both, blizzard is choosing not to. in fact its less work to put it on both. blizzard is doing extra work to make you delete your character off one of these two servers

If there are 5000 unique accounts on a server, and 2500 of them are never logged in, that’s a 50% inactive population. And that looks really bad.

if there are 10,000,000,000,000,000 inactive accounts, and only 2500 of them logged in, the 10,000,000,000,000,000 inactive accounts dont take up log in ques