Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm

Juvenile skepticism is popular among YouTubers, wannabe Twitter philosophers, and angst-ridden teenagers.

That’s just silly given people don’t necessarily WANT copies.

A copy is a copy.

And I’ve seen people copy anything and everything that’s traded. My old guild would pile up a ton of raid consumables on one character, copy over, trade to the next person, copy over, repeat. Easy.

He’s being skeptical for the sake of skepticism. Best to just ignore him from here out…

Duping and dead servers.

If copying is free, the majority of copies will be unplayed because there is no need to maintain those characters at all.

Yea and I would argue its not even a leak. Its literally Blizzard accidentally uploading the press release a day early.

I’ve tried to just shut the man down with, whelp looks like Blizzard doesn’t agree so figure it out lol

its not juvenile skepticism to call your claim that “dead servers” will be a problem when you bring no supporting data to back it up.

is that really your only argument?

yeah but not in the way you want it to be to suit your argument. what im talking about is the players dont do anything. they just let it happen and the copying is done for them. blizzard would be doing the copying and there would be no room for exploitation.

you and every other night elf loathe me for speaking the truth

Myself and many others have actually given multiple reasons for dead servers being a problem.

We have referenced private servers, Blizzard’s trends, server population trends, ect.

All of this is factual data. Not opinion.

Yet you are just ignoring it

I have brought supporting evidence. Logical arguments that are sound are in fact evidence. You just don’t like the conclusions, so you disregard them.

Juvenile skepticism.

Hardly, but you seem intent on ignoring anything you dislike so I won’t bother reiterating.

no you havent

no you havent

again, you have not

you have not submitted a single factual point to this topic whatsoever

where are they?

Yeah, you’re going back on forever mute again.

Having you just fill a thread with garbage because people discuss things, logically walk through problems, present counterpoints, and otherwise present evidence to have you just say repeatedly “wut evidence” is tiresome.

Goodbye Joyson.

surely you can link me to the facts you posted?

Private servers: Every single time a new private server comes out, the old one dies. FACT

Blizzards trends: Dying servers = mergers needed. Blizzard doesn’t like mergers. Evidence: They held off on doing them until server no longer matter in retail. Also never did them in classic even though they were pretty badly needed.

Population trends: Dying servers is a circular problem. People leave, server feels dead, more people leave, server feels more dead. This has happened on retail and on classic. Servers started to die out and then it became a circular problem. This happened on my own server, Stalagg, to the alliance.

There’s a bunch of evidence that I have posted before but now its all there for you.

Still waiting for a single piece of evidence from you btw.

thats your account of what happened. thats like a ufo conspiracy theorist telling the news story about what he saw.

What? You could literally look up the server populations. They literally said in the post about them doing it that they were doing it because the servers were dead.

Are you in junior high? What are these argument skills?

or… you could… since youre the one making the claim

Copies = Duplication

I submit Blizzard creates in every classic server in Stormwind an NPC paladin called Joyson that randomly says “I’m an original” And in the nearby vicinity you have another Joyson “evil twin” that says right after “ you’re a copy/duplication!”


no but this dude might be

Alright I’m gonna take a page out Fasciae’s book and put you on ignore as well.

Work on your argument and debate skills bud. You can just refute people making claims with evidence and facts with “but why do you have to choose?”.

Also, have fun with making that choice. Blizzard made theirs. You can make a hundred threads of you arguing like a three year old with people but come May-June, whenever. You still gotta make the choice.

so you agree then that copies are better than choice?

man the blizzard shills on this forum are so braindead, your minds are all cooked, this forum is actually a cesspit.


So it is confirmed you can have your cake and eat it to, but you have to pay money.

Can I keep my character in an Era realm and a Progression realm at the same time?

Yes. We’re introducing a new character ‘clone’ service. You may purchase this service only once per WoW character. Once you do, that hero will be allowed to venture forth into Burning Crusade Classic while their copy continues their original adventure on a Classic Era realm. Please note that it is not possible to unlock a single WoW Classic character across multiple Era realms in this way.