Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm


He’s right. TBC is being implemented on all realms, and several Classic-only realms are being opened for people to transfer to if they want.


is that better than having your character(s) copied to tbc instead of transferred?

Yep. Just like all phases of classic were brought to us. No decision making on our part. Just log in and update the game.

I didnt “move” my character to BC the first time either. BC just comes and you continue playing.

Everything will be the same as the original Vanilla -> TBC transition except that this time Blizzard is going to open a few “Permanent Phase 6 Classic” servers that will be open for transfers if people want to keep characters on those.

This is the “least changes” way of handling the transition.

According to Blizzard it is. And they make the decisions. Make the choice.

I’m still gathering up information to support this statement. I (personally) cannot say one way or the other.

I’ve been on these forums, for awhile, myself. I have seen a lot FOR Copies. Hence, why I’m not going to claim “the majority” are against Copies merely because I (personally) don’t have enough data to make such a claim.

I do believe (however) that “the majority” is still willing to go along for the ride, whether they agree or disagree with Blizz’s decision.

  1. IK and 2) Who he is as a person, has no barring in the points that he’s making. While I disagree with some of his opinions, doesn’t mean there’s no validity in his points.

At this point, when it comes to him, it’s just a semantics game. That some (not all) want to play in, and THAT is what ends up derailing the threads.

Our characters aren’t being copied or transferred if we’re going to stay on our realms.

that was expected. transfers were expected but not to the same degree or scale.

but in this instance we are dealing with classic. when you get to have two different versions of the same game, having the same character across those two different versions where they cant interact in any way… whats the harm in that? why are you so against that?

your character gets deleted off vanilla if you want to transfer it to tbc

Ah sorry, I misunderstood which point you were making. Agreed!

LOL no they don’t.

If you want to go to TBC, you just… stay put. The Fairbanks I’m on right now becomes a TBC server.


There is no transferring to TBC. Existing realms will progress to TBC. And there’s no deleting if I decided I wanted to stay in Classic and transferred my characters.

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That didn’t happen 15 years ago and it isn’t happening now.

The “exact same transition” will happen that happened 15 years ago on all current servers.

The portal will open in Blasted Lands and TBC will begin.

BUT, this time you have the choice of moving your char to another server if you do not want to participate in TBC on that character.

This is the “no changes” way to handle TBC imo while preserving classic.

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yes, and we know that…
and its awesome…
and i’m glad.
still doesnt make the word deleted unapplicable lol

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Wrong. You progress to TBC no matter what. No transfer. Your current server will become your TBC server

The problem is that using words like “deleted” makes it sound like characters are getting completely erased and won’t exist anywhere.

Can we move away from such biased language at least? It shows extremely bad faith imo to try to use hyperbolic language like that.

Yes, the character moved to a classic realm will no longer be on its original now TBC realm, but that doesn’t equate to being deleted.

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I hearted for the Kitty :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Was going to post another image…but, I’d probably get in trouble for it because 1) Derailing the thread and 2) It’s non-WoW related, so I’m not going to :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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and let your character data on vanilla be forever lost

It’s like getting promoted at your job and you go to your boss saying, “You’re firing me from my other position?!”

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