Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm

oh i see what you mean. well yeah as long as there’s a reason. but otherwise, fans will stay just to retain all their hard work, like atiesh and other epic items. tidal charm? and so on

Their character might exist, but they wouldn’t be playing it just to “retain” all their hardwork. So it’s not really relevant.

it gets deleted off the game you progress from. this is not debatable. this is how their transfer system is designed. if i transfer joyson to tbc, he will be deleted off of vanilla.

nope. if you dont believe me go ahead and try and quote me on that then.

I didn’t say “know”. Again, you seem to think everything people are spewing is “factual”, when they’re not. I (literally) told you, this is just my opinion. And, I did explain it. They didn’t take the time to make copies for both, so they’re now rushing this out for the BC fans. It’s that simple. If you don’t agree then don’t agree. I’m NEVER going to change my mind.

According to you, and that’s fine. I don’t. I think it’s rather early.

I disagree with that. They can definitely be solved, later.

Again, I agree this is the “best” way they can do it, since they couldn’t give us the copies. I’ve said this over and over, again.

I (personally) would’ve waited a bit longer, for them to perfect that, but they didn’t, so here we are. It’s as simple as that.

I understand this. I really REALLY do. Which is why I said, I think they rushed all of this to appease both the BC fans and “active server community” fans.

I’m not getting “worked up”, I’m voicing my disagreement and defending my position from people like you that want to tear into me for even thinking of such a thing.

I misspoke. The way someone feels isn’t “wrong” nor “right”. Opinions can be “wrong” and “right”. However, the way someone feels is never really “wrong” nor “right”.

Again, you keep assuming that IK, when I’m just expressing how I feel and think. Along with stating my opinion on the matter. And, again, I’ve explained it, numerously. Just because you don’t get it, doesn’t mean that I haven’t explained it.

It doesn’t get deleted, it gets transferred. What you’re arguing for is not only a copy, but a free level 60 character.

I also asked before, would you be fine if they gave you a level 60 Paladin named Joyson in greens with no history?

deletion is required to transfer


nope, just copy


You stated it as a fact, you didn’t say in your opinion. You literally stated that it was rushed. That is how sentences work.

It’s good to know you don’t care about facts or evidence.

And how someone feels is completely irrelevant and pointless.

That just says that Vanilla-only is appealing to a very small community of people… which just confirms why Blizzard should make a few isolated Vanilla-era servers for those minority players to congregate to.

Vanilla-only wouldn’t be kept afloat by a bunch of disparate, never played, copies of people who are largely progressing through TBC content instead, and instead of everyone being one a few servers, they’re spread even more thin across dozens.

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The game and your character progress. Nothing is deleted.

Rofl. Please don’t debate my failed logic.

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No, it’s not. The character data is migrated. At no point does deletion occur.

Sorry, this is you not understanding how words work.

So yes, as I expected, you want Blizzard to create a second character identical to this one.

What are you even going to do in Classic P6 with BiS? Stand in Stormwind with the 30 other players online?

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Im sorry joyson. I am glad you are passionate about classic as a whole and i know you personally would play your copies to an active level.

Perhaps if all players would be as active we wouldnt have issues. But alas when you make copies on a mass scale most would just be dust on a shelf.

deletion is required for a transfer to occur

the character.db for sulfuras-vanilla would delete the entry for Joyson-sulfuras-vanilla after copying its contents and pasting them to the character.db for tbc

Vanilla is dependent on community. Without a strong, vibrant community vanilla flops, 100%. So small, niche servers with a few hundred people and more leaving every day will not work.

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I mean… you’re not going to get the strong, vibrant community by having those few hundred people spread even further away across dozens of servers either.

If I choose to go to TBC, I’m not going to play a Vanilla-only toon but once in a blue moon, if EVER. There’s plenty to do in TBC and I have multiple alts, as do many other folks.

  • Most folks want to move on to TBC
  • Most folks won’t evenly play all their characters

No matter how you slice it, the Vanilla-only community is going to shrink.

I didn’t state it as a “fact”. I’ve said, over and over, again, EVERYTHING said on these forums, are based off of EVERYONE’S feelings, thoughts and opinions. I do NOT need to say nor clarify “in my opinion”, “this is just my opinion”, “I think”, etc., EVERY single time, I express my opinion. This is how forums work. For people to express their feelings, thoughts and opinions.

Yes, and I’ve expressed NUMEROUSLY that it is what I think. Again, I THINK. NOT “know” but THINK.

IK some (not all) like to ASSUME the context and intention of words rather than asking for clarification, they’ll just tear into you.

You haven’t presented any “facts” nor “evidence” that is going to change my mind. Because, like me, you’re just stating your opinion on why you feel and/or think that it isn’t.

I agree. How you feel about the project not being rushed is irrelevant and pointless to start an argument over nothing.

This is simply not how it works. If it gets deleted, then it no longer exists, and there’s nothing to transfer.

Your character would be migrated to TBC, thus there is nothing left on Sulfuras, as your character was moved. Nothing deleted, it just doesn’t exist in two places at once.

does it exist on classic server at that point, or has it been deleted from the classic server character database, so it can be added to the tbc server character database? if it no longer exists in one place because its moved to another place, the dev has to physically remove it from the first place. it is removed/deleted from classic.


Cut and paste, is not delete.

Admit you want a free max lvl character with 0 effort.

Do the work and level one.

it copies the data, pastes it to tbc, then blizzard decided, hey lets call it transfers. then programmed the application to delete the data off the vanilla server after copying it to tbc