Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm

Light is the fastest known thing in the universe. This is saying it in the same way as, “TBC was rushed”. It is not stated as an opinion, it is stated as a fact, as there was no preface of this being an opinion.

This is how language works.

There isn’t any point because you’ve already admitted nothing will change your mind.

/smirks :grin:

Do you think if you walk outside, your existence is deleted from your house?

This is essentially the argument you’re making.

Exactly. Which is why they aren’t letting people copy their characters to discourage most from staying on permanent vanilla realms. That way they can have 1 or 2 servers per region to sustain those players. Copies would allow everyone to do both and would artificially inflate the number of people on those realms.

In scenario 1 we have 800 players in permanent vanilla. Blizzard makes 1 server to accomodate them and that server does okay. Not great but its enough.

In scenario 2 every single person playing classic copies their character to vanilla realms just because they can. So Blizzard has to make 50 servers to accommodate those players. But still only 800 players are actively playing permanent vanilla. And they are spread across 50 servers. So those servers die out, especially after fresh servers are announced and eventually Blizzard has to merge them. Keep in mind Blizzard HATES server merges. They literally only do them as a last resort. In retail they held off until they could make server irrelevant before doing them.

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No, it’s drag and drop. They take your character data and move it to another place. They don’t allow you to have two identical pieces of data.

so what youre saying is, its no longer in the previous place it was in?

Correct, as the data was moved. You do not have two identical pieces of data and never did.

All they have to do is copy and paste… requires no money, no effort on their end. Its just obvious… you need to let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm. There is no counter argument.

Money is the counterargument. They need to pay people to do these things.

If I were blizzard, I would be spending as little money on Classic as possible. It is a money printing version of the game, and to capitalize on that would be in their best interest.

how do i play the character on vanilla if it moved to tbc?

What if it’s not about money or effort, but their own decisions for the game? Did you think about the potential that Blizzard doesn’t want people to have identical pieces of data?

You don’t, as you moved the character. And this isn’t a, “gotcha” moment. Moving =/= deleting.

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Correct. It has been moved. It still exists.

Deleting it would mean it did not exist anymore. See the difference in definitions

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why cant i play my moved character on vanilla if it moved to tbc?

No, it’s not. I’m not going to derail the topic into discussing why it’s not.

The existence of these very forums IS the preface that content stated in here is of people’s opinions. I’ve said this, over and over, again. THAT is your “preface”.

Now, you know it’s my opinion, so let us move on.

I said nothing YOU say is going to change my mind because IK you have NO “facts” nor “evidence”. You’re just spewing out your opinion.

Present me the FACTS and EVIDENCE that it “wasn’t rushed”, and I’ll concede. Otherwise, EVERYTHING you have presented to me is NOTHING more than just YOUR opinion.

EDIT: All you’ve presented is “they could’ve done this”, “they could’ve done that”, that’s NOT “proof” nor “evidence”.

I don’t know of anyone that said “dang I wish I wasn’t losing all this progression by moving to TBC” in 2007. You aren’t losing anything. No deletion. You are just picking one or the other. You can go to TBC with EVERYTHING your character has now.

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Because you don’t have two identical characters. Again, this is you completely missing the concept of moving a character.

You’re basically admitting at this point that Blizzard should double your progress.

picking what?

I already have.

That could still be down to money. If characters are copied between two servers, the servers need to account for that many players. In effect, this costs them more money as they will need more server capacity than they would if they didn’t have a two copies of an account between two locations.

It wasn’t moved to TBC. Your server progressed. No moving happens when your server progresses. Just new things are added to the world.