Let rogues and warriors transmog warglaives of azzinoth

You’re the only one not making sense dude. It’s pretty clear you don’t even know what you’re fighting for.


It was not a requirement for any demon hunter to participate in the unlocking process in any way. They were not required to farm the warglaives on their character, nor were they required to run the timewalking raid to unlock the mog.

I farmed them on a rogue (actually 3 rogues have both warglaives) and tanked illidan on a druid.

In fact, given how late in the expansion the feature was released, they were intending for people to unlock the appearance they had previously earned on their rogues. Any demon hunter that had not previously earned it on another class (or farmed the legion-unusable weapons during the first half of legion) could not have gotten it unlocked in that raid.


I think the overall point here it’s kind of rude to take it away from warriors and rogues who may have farmed for years and years for Achievement purposes all in the name of some…

Iconic nonsense.

Yes they are clearly Demon Hunter weapons, but taking the ability to mog them away from other classes is kind a rude in my opinion


I made it perfectly clear (once I remembered what thread I was in):

They are iconic to DHs. Not Rogues. Not Warriors. Demon Hunters.

And what I meant here was the few Rogues and Warriors that got them in current content. It wasn’t like everyone and their brother was running around with them like they are today.

Rogues and Warriors have other legendaries to use. I think this is the only one DHs can mog, yes? I mean, as far as weapons go?

Nope… Sorry…

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Glaives are the dumbest looking weapon (as drawn) in the game. My demon hunter turns them to brass knuckles or weapons that sheath on the back.

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No chance, english bedwetting types.

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the people who are against this must of started in legion or something like literal 12 year old gamers. anyone whos been playing for years knows warglaives of azzinoth are iconic rogue weapons.

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But my Warglaives definitely say Rogue, Warrior, DK, Monk. I guess DH as of 3 years ago. In fact to me these glaives are pretty iconic-ly Rogue if anything. I actually played during BC but not as a Rogue. I saw a few Rogues with them. But it was strange, because I didn’t see any DH with them on. Wonder why.

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Wrong… They are obviously hunter weapons…


You looted them from a DH.

Well yea, that’s a given.

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But I’m not a DH. This is weird, why can I equip them?

I can equipment the slave dress from AQ40 but I can’t mog it. Thems the breaks.

The fact that they are Demon Hunter weapons is not really up for debate.

But in my opinion, That’s rather irrelevant.

Anybody who farmed them out and can equip them should be able to mog them.


Imagine comparing regular loot to legendaries.

I’m just saying just because you equip something doesn’t mean you can mog it. :woman_shrugging:

If they truly were then they’d change them from Sword to Warglaive wouldn’t they.

Then give a better example or don’t say anything. You’ve contributed nothing to this convo so far.

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The people who are against this are the ones who like full retconning. They actually were iconic to rogues. Rogues farmed them in every expansion for that reason. While leveling a character in bgs during the first few months of BfA I saw a level 70 rogue twink in a bg with warglaives. It was awesome.

Nah, I’m going to keep talking.

Sure I have but you don’t like my answers. That doesn’t make them wrong.