Let rogues and warriors transmog warglaives of azzinoth

the two classes that warglaives were most iconic on… rogue especially… can’t transmog warglaives please rethink this.


if you are talking about warglaves of azzinoth
i think you can

Just reroll DH, that’s the theme of SL anyway.

Only Demon Hunters can mog the Legendary glaives.




you can already mog all the legendary weapons except the warglaives … bunch of clueless people on forums maybe get off the forums and play the game so you people know what you’re talking about.


Open up glaives to anyone that can dual wield. Honestly why add an awesome weapon type to the game to only let one class and race use it? Made sense in legion since we had artifact weapons but it’s time to open it up.

Shamans need to use glaives as well. It makes sense for at least one combo (troll shadowhunter) so it should be added. As well as swords since it makes sense for kul tirans.



Do you have a good reason or do you just hate other people playing with what they want

Hmm got my threads mixed up.

I think glaives are iconic to DHs and just because a few Rogues and Warriors got to use them for a handful of months doesn’t change that.


Ya I was about to say what are you talking about lol

That makes two of us lol!!

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Well, I think that officially means I need more coffee.

Eh, if they let DKs have fist weapons I’d be happy :frowning:

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lol? warrior never used glaives
rogues, yes. of course. but warriors? negative other than maybe server first screenshots, rofl

I’m STILL salty about never getting my second glaive on my rogue back in BC… >.< we killed illidan so many GDAMN times… and never dropped his damn main hand, ever. >.< was still doing 2400’ish dmg on brutallis tho :wink:

but ya, no
rogues and DH’s only, I was VERY suprised when I realized I couldn’t mog glaives on my rogue when legendaries became moggable.

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If Mages can run around with a thunderfury on their back, I dont see why Warriors and Rogues cant use glaives :slightly_smiling_face:


warriors 100% used warglaives, You have no idea what you are talking about. also… yes warglaives are most iconic on rogues they were running around with them for 10 years and then demon hunter came out. I swear everyone here is a paid blizz defender or just not very smart.

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Or perhaps you can be a bit more clear with what you are requesting. See not once in your OP did you mention “legendary”, you said “warglaives” which is a class of weapon that neither of those two classes can use.

As for Azzinoth, I would probably agree only because they could be transmogged for years by those two classes and technically the weapons are swords not glaives.

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sir were you around in BC? cause I was, lol I was in a server first guild, that had BT on farm the majority of the exp.

NO warriors wanted the glaives, other than for show, they were way too fast, syphon was 100x better than glaives for fury wars, our MT would wear his glaive for funzies every now and then, but that’s about it.

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your guild wasn’t educated then, warriors wanted warglaives. and you didnt kill illidian till wrath of the lich king not sure why you are lying and trying to flex in a thread about transmog.