Let rogues and warriors transmog warglaives of azzinoth

but…again, you are ignoring the fact again, people can have more than one account. This account isn’t the one I had in TBC…

No he’s not caught and you didn’t prove anything. I explained to you why. One, the achievements were wonky. He has a ton of TBC done on 25th of Oct and I doubt it was done on that day. And two, it is possible he wasn’t wearing anything from Illidan if his guild was farming Sunwell.

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I just got the 2nd glaive about a month ago. Can’t wait to transmog it on my dh

his sun well date is even later. he never full cleared bt when it was current let alone sunwell im not sure why you guys are actively going out of you way to try and defend someone who is A. lying and B. being a know it all expert when he clearly isn’t. I’m doing you people a service by calling out liars whether you want to accept that or not its on you.

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rofl… how could I be exalted with the deathsworn in 2008, and only killed illidan in 2009? roooofl…

you think just maaaaybe the achiev system was a tad wonky when it came out?

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its almost like the trash mobs awarded reputation. killing trash doesn’t equal downing illidian sorry folks.

I’m “defending” him because some of my achievements don’t accurately reflect my raiding history before Wrath so I know that those dates don’t necessarily make him a liar.


I guess we just killed trash for a year? rofl this kid.

trash runs were a thing they dropped epic gems and epic loot. Im sorry you couldn’t kill illidian when it was current content but lying about it wont fix anything.

He’s also ignoring the fact that your achievements show you killing like 10 raid and dungeons end bosses in one day (25 Oct.)

Whatever, he’s dug in like a badger on this topic.


two people who want to lie about doing stuff in the game when they didn’t bonding together over lies and hating the truth. awk, but w/e I guess lets stay on topic the liar has already been exposed.

Oh now I’m lying :rofl: :rofl: Please tell me what I’m lying about.

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I think it should be opened to rogues and warriors who have both warglaives in their possession on the character they want to use the mog on AND have unlocked it on a demon hunter.

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You’re attempt to downplay just how long Rogues and Warriors have been able to use them is hilarious.

Rogues and Warriors have been able to use them since May 15, 2007, with the first Illidan kill being on June 5th. So it’s safe to say 2007 was when the first Rogue or Warrior got to equip them. The current year is 2020 if you didn’t know. That’s 13 years if you also can’t count.

Legion came out on August 30, 2016. Demon Hunters could use the Warglaives of Azzinoth the same way as Rogues, Warriors, Deathknights, and Monks. Mid 2017 the patch that gave DH the ability to mog the Glaives is how long they’ve been able to use them. Once again if math isn’t your strong point, that’s 3 years.

13 years
3 years

Many many more Rogues, Warriors, and even DKs and Monks have equipped and worn the Warglaives of Azzinoth before a Demon Hunter was even thought of.

I know you’re bad at math because it was definitely more than “a few” rogues and warriors, and you’re probably the only one in the world that thinks 13 years is “a handful of months”.


Originally rogues and warriors did carry these, It’s only respectful to allow them to once again do so.

As for respecting DH…umm. As for respecting class identity, well I can make my rogue look like a druid or a monk right now. So I should also be able to pull of a DH look using the 1 pair of glaves that existed before DH.

It was ours first.

:roll_eyes: I meant actually use them, as in, current content. They weren’t using them in Wrath and beyond except as RP props and/or bragging rights.

You know it’s OK to admit when you’ve made a mistake.


wow I have a crush on this guy someone who speaks the truth for once around here.

That’s 100% irrelevant since DH has never been able to use them when they were current content.

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I never said they did use them in current content? I understand you’re mad but could you please eat a Snickers and make sense.