Let rogues and warriors transmog warglaives of azzinoth

Speaking of not educated, WoW didn’t have achievements until the Wrath prepatch. So… you can’t see when he killed Illidan.


if you had a piece of gear from illidian the game would award you the achievement for killing him the day achievements came out on 10/14/2008. this know it all pretending like he had illidian on farm and knows what hes talking about didn’t kill him till the wotlk prepatch / wotlk judging by dates. so many know it all’s here its unreal. make WARGLAIVES OF AZZINOTH TRANSMOGGABLE FOR ROGUES. not going to lie it’s pretty embarrassing how many people are trying to act like they know something but they know nothing here.

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We were able to equip and mog them until they changed that recently.

So it’s possible he’s not lying. My Priest, which is one of my oldest characters and I raided MC on, didn’t get the MC achievement until 2015 even though I had saved some items from my Classic raiding days.

If he was in a world first guild, maybe he had Sunwell items to replace his BT stuff :woman_shrugging: It’s possible.

no. this guy is 100% lying on some weird flex. he didn’t kill illidian when it was current if you look at his achievements he only did gruuls lair prior to prepatch its actually crazy how people try to lie like this.

server first, not world first… I was a neckbeard but not THAT much of a neckbeard, lol

and I did have a TON of sunwell gear, but I definitely had the offhand glaive and the sword off archimond I beleive? been awhile.

very curious why it’s not showing my sh* at 2008 like the rest of my cheivs… really odd. *shrug it’s also showing my KJ kill at 2009 too, when we definitely killed him pre-nerf, cause I very distinctly remember the pain of those attempts, lol.


you got caught dude its okay.

You can equip them, but the appearance is flagged as a Warglaive, so you can’t mog to them.

Warriors should at least get access, since several races use weapons that would be classified as a Warglaive in this game for their military. (Night Elf Sentinels, Wardens, Silvermoon Spellbreakers, Darkspear Shadow Hunters, etc.)


You can’t now.

He got exalted with the BT rep Oct 2008. I really doubt he’s lying.

Dude, just stop. You’re being ridiculous. Look at his achievements. Are you telling me he killed Malchezaar, Murmur, Lady V, Kael, Calculator, Warp Splinter and Black Stalker on Oct 25th? LOL that was a busy day! Or, or… the achievements were wonky when they first came out.


I don’t remember a time when they were ever moggable before they were given to DH, but maybe my memory is failing me.

There’s nothing ridiculous about calling out a liar if you were farming illidian your achievement says 10/14/2008.

Nah, when Blizz did the pass to make legendaries moggable, they explicitly avoided giving the 1H-Sword versions of the Warglaives the same treatment, because they already added the Warglaive versions you loot from TW BT and didn’t want to “diminish the accomplishment” of people who had already collected those ones.

They received a lot of criticism for that move.

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It was a recent change. There was even discussion here at the time when Wowhead reported the change. The designation of them being warglaives is new. Their idea was to give DH a legendary now. All their own.

Right, I know that. But I don’t remember people mogging it before then.

Nah, I like that DH have a exclusive weapon to give them some flavor


Moggable I misremembered. Because you could put it on a gear set and switch like a mog. But you definitely could equip them.

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You realize, this could be an alternate or separate account right?

I kept the bow in my bank for sentimental reasons. Actually… I was probably wearing BT gear still. My guild couldn’t get pass the eredar twin chicks.

if you’re going to come to my thread and lie and try to flex your going to get called out its that simple. guy lied and got caught lets move on.