There are only so many players in the game right now. A peek at any realm tracker will show us how many active players there are on a realm. With the knowledge that gold sellers have about 100 chars each, what are the real population numbers?
Editing in, I realize I didn’t answer your question. Here’s my answer: There are only two types of players in 5 man groups right now. There are actual players leveling an alt and there are gold sellers leveling an alt. Who needs more alts?
So yes, a majority are running gdkp in a viscous recycle.
And those of us who are making our exit from world rank raiding, which at this point is less gamers and predominantly the same gold sellers in all of the top guilds, with their alts.
I really don’t understand the logic in this. You think gearscore is toxic, and so your proposed solution…is to just add it into the game by default? It being 3rd party or 1st party literally won’t affect anything about it being abused