Not sure why you feel attacked. Maybe you shouldn’t put yourself in that position 11,000 times
Glad again that you could remark my involvement in the forum and see that I like engaging with other players. Something that I feel makes you feel stressed up a bit, maybe take it down a notch and just try to enjoy your time on the forums?
Haven’t read anything you typed past the first few words.
No one cares, you just talk to talk.
Find a hobby
How dare people talk on a forum. xd
So what hobby do you have?
Wayyy more productive than yours.
You actually let the world see that the forums are your life?? Why?
11,000 posts come on man get a grip
Maybe I’ll hit 12000 someday!
Hope you’ll be there.
So what’s a productive hobby?
I’m sure you will, because it’s all you have
Anyway, if you just want to play with someone feel free to visit Ashkandi. Great server and community. Not sure you would like it as you might just be a bit too salty and serious but maybe we can get some fun in your life in a video game that is played for fun.
What one person is always in your runs?
I don’t understand your question.
Moving on
Here’s my final summation for this thread.
If the company is going to allow this kind of environment to exist, then they need to create their own version of GS…
And not have me have to go outside the game for something they should be providing themselves.
The argument works for anything; even damage meters, which I don’t use at all.
Did you also need a game genie to play your old consoles?
I’ll bet half you nerds could never beat Street Fighter 2010 with the classic NES rectangular controller.
All your mods and add-ons are just crutches to mask your lack of dexterity with how you approach WoW.
They have it’s called ilvl but it’s not as precise as gs.
That hasn’t been their philosophy for a lot. We have tons of addons to solve problems or for QoL options for the game.
Technology is a crutch in the same statement. So please send your next answer by post mail only. But sadly that isn’t true. Technology is just a human skill, we adapt and make tools. Saying that we shouldn’t use tools is just wanting to go back to the stone age. While we can restrict their use if needed, we’re really far from a gamebreaking addon when were talking about gearscore or even dps meters.
Spoken like the most dishonest nerd.
Arena, period.
Item level was in original Wrath by this point I think.
Sounds good enough for me xd
You complain about GS. I don’t know a single high impact player that complains about GS, because they’re up to date on their characters and it isn’t a problem for them.
Only low impact leeches complain about an average number assigned to their gear. Thats all the number is. The worse your gear, the lower your GS.
Once again you prove to be like warm IQ in your takes.
come back when you have a real solution “i don’t have the addon” doesn’t fly… so what if you don’t have the addon?
You realize gear score is just the added ilvl of your pieces, right?
Gear score has no bearing on ability at this stage of the game. I’d trust a fresh green over a 5.0k at this point because it means they aren’t running in GDKP raids and are playing for their gear. The only solution is to ban GDKP but Blizzard won’t do that because they believe their losses would result in the death of wow. The truth is, it’s only a vast network of a dozen or so players with dozens of computers, playing multiple alts. The multiple alts are on multiple accounts. From what I know, there are more gold seller alts than there are actual players. Blizzard needs the very entities who ruined their game at this point.
So everyone that is over 5k is just doing GKDPs?
Not the reason. The main reason is that banning GDKP would require them to have staff to ban them.
Going by unique players, no. Going by characters sure why not. Some gold sellers have a few 100 chars running