The company is allowing third party software to normalize the toxicity that is the dungeon running environment in Wrath, which is then exacerbated by the + and + + systems.
Either get rid of GS or introduce in game ItemLevel like you originally did to destroy GS…
We told you ahead of time B4 Wrath launched how GS is toxic…
And you allowed it into the expac anyways.
Buy the GS app from whoever made it and make it part of the game for everyone, like macros…
Stop allowing something not native to the game, dictate the culture on how the game is to be played.
You are right about nothing. Your making silly claims about something being toxic becuase some people make the concious decision to not use it. That is a problem on your end. You have access to same things as everyone else. You choosing not to, is on you.
Blizzard needed to put everyone’s rating ON the group finder and place requirements for the difficulty modes. But they didn’t do any of that. It means THEY caused the toxicity by forcing players to do the filtering work for them. When you see a fresh 80 in greens sign up for content they shouldn’t even be able to enter, just expecting to get carried, they bring the toxicity upon themselves. Blizzard could have prevented all that. Similarly, I often get asked for my rating before getting an invite, which I don’t blame them for doing, since the stupid group finder doesn’t show it in advance like it could have.
This is as far as I read because it’s already wrong, stupid, then wrong again. I do find it funny though that you’d trust a “fresh green” over someone that’s 5k. It reeks of someone that hasn’t entered any alpha/beta dungeons on this game, but is still going to come in here with their level 10 retail sockpuppet to try to tell us actual players how things are.
ilvl is worse for Wrath.
Look at range weapons and at Hunters.
A gun for a warrior is like 130 gs, but a gun for a hunter is like 800. 2H polearm for a warrior is 800 gs, meanwhile for hunter its 130 gs. Warrior’s gun/bow is an equivalent to a wand/relic. It’s flipped.
So yeah, GS is better for Wrath. Item Level is better later on when overall itemization is better.
Also, GS/illvl are not perfect either.
Look at 200ilvl trinkets. Like Banner and Black Heart from ToC5.
Or look at Hpalas using 200 relics and Soul Preserver blue trinket for lvl78.
If you ban GS/ilvl, people would inspect.
If you also ban inspect, people would look at logs.
If you also ban logs, then people would make yall go to Dummies and test DPS.
The only way to remove all gating is literally - all of the above AND remove damage meters.
Good thing I know what tier looks like, time to rebind my zoom in key lmao. Bout to do an asmongold tmog competition pre raid to make sure everyone is geared correctly