Yes… but the problem is people will request a gear score requirement for content that does not need it. This is still why RDF is being argued for, as time goes on people do not do the dungeons alts or late joiners need and thus those people are basically screwed out of playing the game.
Imagine if you’re a fresh 80 with no gold to your name on the account and you’re wanting to run some normal 5 mans or even normal 5 man heroics but you can’t because there is no one to run it and I already know you’ll say MAKE FRIENDS or JOIN A GUILD but these things do not create a lasting solution to the very real problem that classic faces and will ultimately be the reason why it will die.
Making friends does not help because people are severely anti-social.
Joining a guild will basically mean you’re pugging anyway because they’re raid logged or they just don’t care enough to help you and the majority of the players do not care about you.
Edit: Between the lack of dungeons and the ridiculous GS requirements its just bad and it’s major gatekeeping.
The problem is you’re making the content worth for that ilvl so they can find that ilvl if they want. Again if you only think about your own time and fun to a certain point (for me having an undergeared tank is just not fun) it is way better to ask for a higher ilvl.
Those are true solutions. I ran fresh characters of my guildies through H+ and in 2 days they were 4.6k.
It’s a social game, people gotta get over it or play something else.
I get it it’s not easy and many people do not want to invest time just to do content, they want it now. And that’s why I also prone smaller servers as they have a community outside of your guild and can build a friend list really easily by just being able to play with people that care as they can’t just replace you as easily. Smaller servers also gatekeep less as there is less high ilvl players. The more players there are the easier it is to gatekeep.
These solutions do not take in account for the uncontrollable factor… other people. Hence the issue of “you can’t make people do things that you want”.
Your friends and your guild are not at your whim, they have every right to tell you to F off if they don’t want to help you, except that is the problem everyone is ultimately out for themselves much like they are out for themselves in the real world.
Sure but if they tell me to f off then I can tell them to f off. Not that it is a trade but if your friends or guildies won’t help you why would you help them back? Lot of people understand that and won’t mind helping you if you’re not a terrible player. If you give, people will give back.
Why would anyone want to help? If it doesn’t benefit them in the long run that is.
Gamers are very selfish people, we don’t do things unless it’ll benefit ourselves in the long run. If you join a raiding guild and they need you to be apart of the raid nights, they’re going to help you the best they can and they’ll still expect you to do the leg work, especially considering we have sidereal essences which ironically people only do betas for the dailies and call it quits even though doing all 13 dungeons nets you 13 essences which is far more than a single dungeon will ever.
Humans are social creatures, creating that social connection is valuable in itself.
If we’re inherently social why do we present ourselves anti-socially in WoW? Or for the matter any other game?
I do not believe players are trying to be anti-social. But the settings of a game can make it so. And I do not expect gamers to be the most socially adept people. But unless you’re a psychopath you will want some sort of social connection with people. Even if for you it can be done differently than for someone else.
You’re right OP, the same people in this thread championing gearscore are the same ones against RDF.
Gatekeeper tool to prevent people from playing the game.
People only talk when its relevant, i.e GS? WHAT’S YOUR GS? GGTYP INV ME
Edit: All anti-social behavior and quite ironically resulting in the whole “there is no community” argument.
People that try to minimalize social interactions to that are often people that also won’t talk more than that. I’ve chilled with people on discord, I’ve talked with people after a dungeon or before or in between waves of VH. Be the type of players you want others to be.
Have you ever considered that sometimes people don’t want to talk to you??
They just want to play the game
Is that relevant? Lot of people will react positively to you wanting to interact with them. If you do not try you will never be sucessfull.
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Considering your post count I’d bet you never ever thought that people simply dont want to talk to you and just want to play a game.
It should be like in Vanilla where a healing robe from Strat is BIS until AQ40
I’ve passed on too many upgrades because it would lower my gs
Well if you didn’t want to talk with me you wouldn’t be doing so? Unless you just like hurting yourself? I do not judge.
Is this just you inflating your forum points??
That doesn’t even make sense
Glad we could have this discussion.
Try sticking to the topic and contributing to discussion next time instead of mindlessly driveling because you have nothing better to do.
Your post count makes us all feel sad for you.
Not sure why you keep trying to attack me or think that I’m disrupting a thread when yourte the one that started this discussion. But if you’re that much interested in me I’m doing good today, finishing to mine some stuff in Arathi so I can level up jewelcrafting on one of my alt.