You must be that farming bot griefer I snitched on for using automation.
If you’re going to be a bot farmer, don’t be a ganker/griefer also.
It’s not that hard to tell when someone is using automation.
You must be that farming bot griefer I snitched on for using automation.
If you’re going to be a bot farmer, don’t be a ganker/griefer also.
It’s not that hard to tell when someone is using automation.
you can’t kick someone on your own, others must vote
also you can’t abuse the kick and keep doing that since u have limited time perday
and you can not kick someone in the first 15min of the dungeon so you’ll probably clear the dungeon within those 15min even if they have low dps.
I like it. It is a nice guide to how geared my characters are, give or take. No, higher gs does not always mean it’s better item by item, but it’s a better baseline to work with than what we have. (Nothing)
Most people play the meta and don’t want to waste time on someone that does low dps unless they’re also doing low dps.
That’s just how it works.
That was added way later. And it would be worse, getting kicked before the last boss xd
i know, but RDF will solve his problem and he won’t get kicked.
that’s how RDF works.
i don’t think dungeon will last more than 15min also if it does! why would they kick him before last boss? they must be mentality retarded if they did such thing just because he have low gs.
And it still doesn’t. Like I’ve said.
That’s you determining that for others.
main character syndrome
That’s how a vote kick works, others determining stuff for you.
And you have the right to vote kick for any reasons.
You’ll find that I’m the wrong shaman to trifle with, in game.
No1 forced me to use the RDF. It’s a risk I’m willing to take for having it.
ok, ice cube
And you have the same kind of risk when trying to join a group without RDF. You just need to fight the right group for you.
As opposed to now, where you don’t even get into a group because no one wants to invite anyone below the ‘base average’, which is trending now towards 5100 GS.
And no. “Make your own group” does jack-nothing. GS was toxic back then, and it’s even worse now.
I mean you get into the group but might face a kick after 15min. It’s a double edged sword. Moreover with a 15min penalty.
This never works, that’s the current culture in WoW, GS only and never measure your capabilities.
No most people don’t even look at a meter in dungeons unless there’s a problem. In which case the person causing the problem should be kicked, RDF or not.
That’s just how it works.
Most people that do the content* have addons like dps meters.
You do not know wow players enough if you think that isn’t true.
For an addon like gearscore to be used most people need to have it to some point.
Using that kind of tools is the way to get into groups so of course most people will use them.
An addon like gearscore was made to judge people before they step an inch into the dungeon, you still face the ever increasing problem of gatekeeping and people just flat out buying their gear and still being trash at the game.
GS does not equal to skill and knowledge.
And noone cares about meters in dungeons unless there’s an issue.
You don’t do dungeons if you think that isn’t true.
It’s not, but the chance for a player of less ilvl to do as good or better as someone with higher ilvl is still less. People just want to stack their group if you give them the chance, and do not worry some will even look at logs.
If you’re doing 1-2k dps in a dungeon you will get on my blacklist if I do not leave before.