And then they will remove gear cosmetics and make everyone look the same. Like think of Communal gear starter set. Everyone just looks the same
But yeah, @Apathy, I get ya. As an apathetic genius myself, only slackers/carries/wannabes want such removed. I’m 5.5 resto. 5,563 actually or something like that. No one is gating me
We bout to do a consumable inspection then. You aint got pots, you aint coming in. The brokie baddies still aint leeching when im raid lead on GOD lmao
Edit: Like, it’s been almost 2 decades. I’m exhausted from watching these players come into raids, eat mechanics, die, do low output, be a low impact player, AND THEN WIN BIS ITEMS. See them in dal next week with a BIS weapon unenchanted because abyss crystals are still too pricey for them, and they lack the ability to do basic dailies to even get a few hundred gold.
I aint about it no more. We aint doing 15 good players and 10 leeches out here no more. These leeches can make a group with themselves and wallow in wipes.
Logs, GS, ilvl, RIO, Achievements - those are your “Resume”, This is what gets your foot in the door.
You performance/attitude/committment/etc is what keeps you there.
Lots of people are given a chance. You encounter a pug, he’s got HORRIBLE “resume”, but his perfomance is good. So you take him and nurture him…THEN FOR HIM TO GET A VALANYR AND LEAVE THE GUILDA$%^&*()
In TBCC, I reluctantly became an officer in the guild I was in. Other officers wanted to remove some of our lower performance players. I held them back, talked to these players, and some of them were receptive. I went over their logs with them, showed them a better way to use their skills, better mindset in fights, etc. They went from struggling to hit blues and were then touching purps. Not perfect, but it was improvements, and because of that, I was able to convince the other officers to relax on wanting to replace them.
The handful of others that didn’t care, they got the zucc. If you don’t care about wasting everyone’s time, then I’ll care for you and just remove you. We can fix parses. We can fix rotations. We can fix positioning. We can’t fix a bad attitude.
People caring about GS so much is rather funny, I’m pretty sure Greatness is still BiS for ret paladins, but because it’s ilvl 200 it’s not appealing to people to equip, since it doesn’t boost up GS.
even if you get rid of both gear score & item level, people will still ask you "do you have naxx gear? or ulduar gear? or toc gear? and if blizzard completely removed anything people could ever imagine to ask! people will ask you to come dalaran bank so they inspect you and check your gear.
unless you wish that game doesn’t have inspect and no addon able to check your gear which reminds me of 2005 wow where there was no inspect option in game xD i feel bad for anyone who missed wow at 2005…game was something else and hell no…if you played on p.servers classic or w/e, none of them have the early awesome patches so it was never the same.
Never was a problem. Players like you get auto ignored by me, if not manually ignored. Your kind of player never once were able to get into a group I make.
The best way to remove GS is with RDF; 100% serious.
RDF allows you to skip over anyone who would use GS as a ‘gatekeeping’ metric. Which means, they’ll have to abandon it or be left behind (much like how anyone with low GS is being left behind right now).