Let Horde and Alliance queue together

What does this actually mean? Is this really because I just skipped straight into talking about Lor’themar’s reasoning?

Well that still leaves you the BEs, Nightborne, Zandalari, Red pandas, goblins, and geckos!

Once again, you literally have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s actually comical that you’re talking about “pulling BS” when you’re making things up out of thin air and pretending everyone else is the problem.

Lor’themar was not involved in the acquisition of the Focusing Iris. This was stolen from the Blue Dragonflight by Horde agents in “Tides of War.” Are you trying to refer to the Divine Bell incident or Garrosh’s use of Thalen Songweaver? Or were you just making things up again and hoping that nobody would call you on it?

Here’s an idea you should try, it might help you out on the forums! When you write posts, use citations and evidence to support your points. You don’t have any here, which is unfortunate, because you’re mixing up a bunch of different events, none of which you understand, but going forward this advice should help!

Through the Reliquary and the Sunreavers, both of which Lor’themar has strong ties to. There also were plenty of regular Blood Elves in Dalaran when Jaina rampaged through it.

Says the person who pulls this same charade every time there’s a lore discussion.

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What about this idea: They should allow players to queue for everything together and speak in the open world, etc. Then, they should make PVP servers (maybe a couple) and offer free switches for those that want to transfer to them. These would only queue with their associated factions, not speak/invite other faction, no factionless guilds. All traditional faction limitations.

I think the factions should end. Make it a free for all outside of cities. Anyone can be taken out. A party can can go around being annoying if the so desire.

Have cities neutral but have limited access unless you’re in a sanctuary city or your the main race city. You can even make SW and Org sanctuary.

And get rid of sharding.

I am in agreement. The queues can be bad, for that alone.


The Sunreavers were independent of Silvermoon’s political authority up until after the Purge of Dalaran. Thalen Songweaver was individually a member of the Horde, but that puts him under the Warchief’s authority as well as Theron. Considering the Warchief is above Theron & both Theron and Songweaver owe ultimate allegiance to the Warchief and are obligated to follow his every command (Blood Oath of the Horde), there’s just no case here.

This certainly doesn’t come anywhere close to “using Lor’themar as a punching bag” no matter how hard you spin it. And frankly, that’s just the first problem with this line of argumentation, not the only problem.

Also can I get a citation that both the Reliquary and Sunreavers were involved in the stealing of the Focusing Iris from the Blue Dragonflight? Surely there’s a line of text from a book, or a quest, right?

How is Garrosh responsible for this? Aethas was continuing in his delusion that he could run a politically independent and neutral organization of Blood Elves in the middle of a global war, despite the fact that the Kirin Tor as a whole had already participated in this conflict against the Horde and on the side of the Alliance months earlier.

Again, not only is this not using Lor’themar as a punching bag, it’s not remotely Garrosh’s fault. Lor’themar allowed a politically independent pygmy faction to do as it pleased, and got mad when its delusional leader’s untenable position finally collapsed.

Oh, I know, it’s a grave sin to ask you to actually provide citations and evidence. I should just immediately know what event (or series of events considering you’ve mixed and matched a bunch of different ones this time) you meant by “being Garrosh’s punching bag.”

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Wanting your faction to exist in the game has nothing to do with PvP.


Okay, just name it whatever you want. It’s an idea that is open to changes, lol. What do you think of the rest of it?

Questing should be added to that list too.


I think if the most important thing to players is to have cross-faction everything, that their faction should be deleted from the game.

You can’t have it both ways, “my faction is important to me and must stay” and “factions don’t matter”.

I figured separate servers regarding factions (representing old/hostile and new/friendly interactions) would be a decent compromise for players. Both preferences can be represented without hurting each other.

When you say that factions should be removed - would that be all players visit all cities, leaders unite type thing? New flags, symbols, culture, etc?

Since the entire reason that cross-faction was implemented, was because of Alliance players bellyaching for 2 years that “nobody plays Alliance anymore”, the Alliance should be deleted from the game. Transfer all Alliance player characters over to Horde side, and execute all the lore Alliance NPC’s.

It’s quite simple, really, and makes a lot of sense since the Alliance “lost” the game by becoming the faction “nobody wants to play”.

(And that’s not me saying that, I always said the Alliance complaints were a bunch of hogwash; it was Alliance players saying it.)

As a bonus, Blizzard would no longer be able to ignore Horde players like they’ve been doing since Legion. They can’t tell Alliance-centric stories 24/7 if there’s no more Alliance to tell stories about. Which seems to be the only way to get Blizzard off its continual Alliance kick.

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… or you just institute an opt-in “mercenary” status for when you’re doing so, enabling play with others on the opposite faction?


I figured the player base was pretty evenly split (I don’t pay too much attention to that anymore and have forgotten). I think that it would potentially make for an even simpler storyline if a faction were removed and I feel like players typically like the deeper stories. How could we keep a complex storyline in the long run if we removed the Alliance and made it a one faction populous.

Maybe the solution is a third faction or a neutral third party that people could join? Or a “mercenary” faction that is able to traverse both factions (option for those that prefer a ‘faction less’/neutral gaming experience? Idk, I’m just brainstorming. What do you think of those solutions?

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Keep cross faction queuing in but block people from it if they go full MHP or unironically whine about “horde bias” in TYOOL 2024


That could absolutely work in my opinion. It could also come with the queueing option to be cross-faction in dungeons and (maybe?) battlegrounds, if they prefer.

That way, people can stay on their own server while also getting the choice to eliminate faction separations. People that want it the way it is now can simply opt out of it.

Would they just exist in different shards when in opposing faction cities? I can imagine someone walking around Stormwind as a human seeing a Tauren run freely being immersion-breaking.

i dont think your understand how bad an idea that is that is about as dumb as letting a lion in a pen of sheep all by itself with no intervention its that level of dumb. you think you want it but you dont.

Right now you’re just saying the idea is dumb. You’ve not suggested a counter or amendment to the idea to address what you think is wrong. Care to do so?